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Build your own Empire!


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Horolagia is planning something and said I could take over.This thread is open and will go back under her control when she is finished.If you don't believe me ask her.


Builds a Military Headquarter.




City Buildings:

Hiroshima Catle (High Emperor lives here)

Stone & Metal Wall

Large Moat

Archer Tower x2

Military Headquarters


City Army:

30 Archers

10 Warriors

5 Spearmen

25 Horesman

4 Imperial Generals

Court Physician, Guyus (Only 1 for my city)

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Ok then so you will never post in this thread again assuming that you have no need for it?


Builds Town Market.




City Buildings:

Hiroshima Catle (High Emperor lives here)

Stone & Metal Wall

Large Moat

Archer Tower x2

Town Market


City Army:

30 Archers

10 Warriors

5 Spearmen

50 Horesman

4 Imperial Generals

Court Physician, Guyus (Only 1 for my city)

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[align=center]King Tom IV Died Today. Sir Lancenotmuch has taken Rein over his kingdom. Sir Lancenotmuch changed his name to Tom V.


King Tom V decides to:

Train 5 Lesser Demons (Approx. 10 Mins)

Train 15 Mounted Archers (Approx. 15 Mins)

and Train 5 Greater Demons (Approx. 20 Mins)





Wooden Wall

Shrine to the Gods

Underground Tunnel



King Tom V

13 Laborers

1 Mounted Scout

5 Axe Throwers

5 Hunters

10 Spearmen

5 Rock Lobsters

5 Priests

3 Necromancers

6 Lesser Demons

1 Paladin

5 Greater Demons

15 Mounted Archers


(Thanks for the Idea Unorthodox Simplicity)[/align]

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Builds 5 small ore mines, equivalent of 1 large 1.




City Buildings:

Hiroshima Catle (High Emperor lives here)

Stone & Metal Wall

Large Moat

Archer Tower x2

Town Market

Small Ore Mines x5 (5 equals the equivalent of one large one)


City Army:

30 Archers

10 Warriors

5 Spearmen

50 Horesman

4 Imperial Generals

Court Physician, Guyus (Only 1 for my city)

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[align=center]King Tom V decides to...

Build a Smithy (Approx. 20 Mins)

Upgrade Spearmen to Armed Spearmen (Approx. 40 Mins)





Wooden Wall

Shrine to the Gods

Underground Tunnel




King Tom V

13 Laborers

1 Mounted Scout

5 Axe Throwers

5 Hunters

10 Armed Spearmen

5 Rock Lobsters

5 Priests

3 Necromancers

6 Lesser Demons

1 Paladin

5 Greater Demons

15 Mounted Archers



Maybe you should put like an updated version of rules :o


.:Imma Mario:.[/align]

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{Cephus} has joined the game.





Cephus decided to build a nation supported in the Heavens (Sky).




[1] City Hall is being Built

[Residential] Area is being Constructed

[industrial] Area is being Constructed

[Commercial] Area is being Constructed

[1] Power Plant (Solar) is being Built

[5] Water Pump and Refinery is being Built

[1] Trade Center is being Built

[1] Temple is being Built




Government Changed! [Anarchy -> Giftarchy (Gift Government)]

King Cephus is Appointed [King]

Queen Cassiopia is Appointed [Queen]

Princess Adromena is Appointed [Princess]

Hero Perseus is Appointed [Hero]

Orion is Appointed [General]

Saggitarius is Appointed [General]




[1,000] People are Moving In

[10] Senate Seats are being Filled

[5] Secrataries are being Appointed

[30] Corporations have been Set Up




Stock Market is doing Great!

Abundance in Power and Money.

Lacking Food - Sugestion = (Build a Market)




Requesting Alliance with {Anyone}[/align]

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The Democracy of Demos sends a Priestess to talk to Cephus's kingdom.


Building now:


10 more farms

another Temple

A market place

Wall (wooden)



Pop: 1200



10 (2 out of kingdom) Priestesses

100 Militia

20 Scientists

50 Artist

30 Merchants

900 farmers

100 Politians


Current pacts:

Seeking one with Flandre

Seeking one with Cephus

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