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Build your own Empire!


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I was playing Warcraft III when i came across this idea.


Its simple, build your own empire! Trade goods with other empires or figth them to get new lands. Choop wood in your woods or mine gold and other things! Maybe its funny XD



+No godmodding!

+Only recruite/build 25 soliders or building per post!

+Everybody starts with one city and a headquarter

+ Stay in Medival Times! No space-marines or tanks or whatever!

+ (Will add more if there is a need to)

I start ^^


Horos Kingdom decides to errect a stone wall round her city

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  'Horologia said:

OoC: Please keep in medival times!


Yeah ^^ Looks like i got a ally now!


Send some crop to him' date=' with message "Can you mine some minerals for me?"


Build storage house



thats twice u called me a he. im a she.


finds very few minerals

@ameretasu: unluncky hardly any minerals in mountains in the middle ages


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  'Horologia said:

Huh?!? You declare war on him? Whatever' date=' im your ally, so...


Sending 10 Footmen and 10 Archers to support HER ^^


Build a stable



thats better

goes with 10 footmen, 1 footman outside ameratsu's "mine" and the rest guard my fort (30 footmen, 5 machiners, 5 air raders, 7 elephants, 10 archers, 3 cannoners, and 1 cow... ON STEROIDS!!!!! O_o

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