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Yugioh GT Fan Fic Sign Up


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Okay...im gonna take a crack at this Fan Fic thing. Ive decided that I'll let the glorious members of YCM be in my Story. I'm the main character of course. My character will be using my popular "Fantasy Hero" cards. SPOILER: Later in the story, he will also use the "Evil Fantasy Hero" cards. The fan fic is called "Yugioh GT" (DBGT reference). Here is the sign up list:




Character Description:

Deck Type (PM The Deck List):


I'd preferably like you to use a deck made out of your own custom cards.


I hope this fan fic will be popular! Please Sign up!

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Name:Luke Mendel


Character Description: He has a vey smart witted personality and is always trying to make people laugh. He is always dueling or hitting on nearby girls. He is the local champion from his town. And he's really lucky and lazy.

Deck Type (PM The Deck List):Random Deck (I'll PM it 2 you)


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Name:Luke Mendel


Character Description: He has a vey smart witted personality and is always trying to make people laugh. He is always dueling or hitting on nearby girls. He is the local champion from his town. And he's really lucky and lazy.

Deck Type (PM The Deck List):Random Deck (I'll PM it 2 you)



Where do you people make those pictures of you that you have?

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Name: Anth

age: 12

charcater descrpution: likes to duel and a bit stubbon.

deck type: Dragon

Apperance: Couldn't find a duel disk so here it isa2480.png


Also don't you need a bad guy so I made one.

Name: ???

age: ???

charecter desruption: Not much is known about this man all that is known is that he must be stoped.

deck type: ????

Aperance: 2d7d24.png

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