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WoW Guild


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If you play WoW, and your not in a guild. Plz join mine. Here is info to find it:


My toon name: Kryptkeyper

Realm: Cenarion Cirlce

Guild Name: Outcast Angels

Places im generally in: Westfall and Stormwind

Other info: Im only a lvl 16, but I really want to start a guild. I still need 8 more signitures. If you would like to be my friend whisper to me and I will add you that way(By typing your name in the add name space, Obviously).


Donations: If you are a high lvl player. I would be greatfull if you would donate to the guild to make a bank account and tabards.


Thank you and if you reply to this thread, it my take me a day to reply back.

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Exactly you are level 11.

Do Not I repeat DO NOT MAKE A GUILD.

No one will join a level 11's Guild Try making a guild around level 60.. Its the best, I know It feels good to make a guild, but I do not recommend it!, just dont make it

Oh Congrat me I just made Senior Member

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Exactly you are level 11.

Do Not I repeat DO NOT MAKE A GUILD.

No one will join a level 11's Guild Try making a guild around level 60.. Its the best' date=' I know It feels good to make a guild, but I do not recommend it!, just dont make it

Oh Congrat me I just made Senior Member



congrats, brah.

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