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Aura Samurai's(accepting by PM/started/basic/pg-16)


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[spoiler=plot] In the year of samuria's and demons, Samuria's have gained power over aura's (fire,wind,earth etc),the demons have been causing choas everywhere the samurias decide they could use there power to stop these demons and save the lives of many some samuria's have used there power for evil and have learned to control the demons and use them to attack the samuria's.




Rogue - a person who does not have a aura but can u jutsu(have to stay in academy until they rank up)


Ninja -those who have trained hard and can use basic jutsu and are put in teams of 3


Ninja apprentice-ninja who have trained hard and have learn advance jutsu and are assinged to a ninja master until they rank up.


Ninja Master -a ninja that has proved worthy of being a master and can have 2 apprentice's(only 2 allowed to be ninja master)


Student - a person who as a arua but has yet to learn to use it a they are given a simple sword.(have to stay in academy until they rank up)


Samurai - ranking up from a peasant samuria's are then put in teams of 3 to protect others and kill demons


Samurai Apprentice -learning to control there aura they are assigned to team with a samuria master until they become one


(Captain)Samurai Master-a master who has learned to control his arua completely and can have 2 apprentice's.(only 3 allowed to be samuria master)


(The Yami)Dark Samurias/ninja-they have numbers as there ranks (1-10) and have betrayed the samuria's for power.(dark samuria's also have aura's)


Leader:one who is leader of all ninja and samuria's




1.All RP rules

2.All YCM rules

3. No godmodding

4. have fun

5.mild lauguage is allowed







number:(dark samuria's only):

Aura:(samuria only)


good or bad:

justu:(ninja only)

Weapon Name(not needed)




top 3-7 abilities:




[spoiler= My App]



rank:Samuria Master

Aura:White and Red Flames

Weapons(s): Has two of the same swords




Justu:(ninja only)

Weapon name:Crimson Princess

Good or evil:good

[spoiler=Apperance] 844c858.png


History:when axel was a student at the academy he didnt take anything serious until his parents were killed by demons, when he swore to avenge them,after that axel workd harder and became the youngest samuria master ever. he only uses he second sword when he gets serious.





Shunpo-A form of high speed movement

Flash-Charges an attack and unleashes 13 fast slashes(then sheaths his sword(s) slowly then finishes then the opponents takes all damage)

Fire wall-15 pillars of fire surround axel and pulls all enemies near close to the pillars (to be burned XD)

Haze(defense)-fire that protects axel from certain attacks.

Haze(attack)-fire that turns into small particles around the area and slowly burns the oppenets skin/armour.

Fire slash-(obivious)

Omega flash-(only with two swords) like the Flash attack but instead of 13 fast attacks its 26 fast attacks




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Name: Dan

Age: 16

rank: Samuria Apprentice

Aura: lightning

Weapon: Two bokken that hide katana inside

good or bad: Good

Weapon Name: Mori raiu tsuin (in bokken form: Forest thunderstorm twins), Touken Raiu Tsuin (sword form: Cold steel Thunderstorm Twins)



History: He slacked through academy even though he was a talented swordsman. After being challenged by teachers, he rose from peasant to samuri apprentice in four months. He was assigned to Axel.

Personality: carefree and lazy, snide and mocking at times but kind and friendly.

Abilities: 1. Lightning Manipulation 2. Wind Manipulation 3. Time (like Kazu and Spit fire in air gear. It tricks the body into an hyper alert state which temporarilly overloads the brain, causing the bod to freeze put the senses still work)

[spoiler=4. Aura burst]Hayate-4.jpg


[spoiler=5. Demon Soul]angry+again+hayate.jpghayate1b.jpg


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Name- Frost

Age- 17

Rank- Dark samuria (Bad)

Number- 2

Weapon- A huge, brownish umbrella that shifts into various weapons.

Appearence- Big, blue eyes, stringy white hair. He is extremely pale. He wears a ragged, black cloak with various patches, and black shoes.

History- Not much is known: His family drowned when he was young, and he's been convinced that it was his fault. Since then, his mind was altered. He's extremely powerful. This is derived from his guilt.

Personality- Solemn, depressing, psychotic

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Name:Tiberius Creek



Aura:Blue Fire

Weapon: Two Blue Bladed Katanas

good or bad: Good

Weapon Name: Wolf Blades

Apperance: Luffy.jpg except with blue hair and a backwards blue fitted.

History: Abandoned as a kid, even with the odds against him, he still stands up for what is right at great personal risk.

Personality: Kind and very passionate about what he believes in. Can fall in love very easy with women.

Abilities:1. Fire Bending 2. Lightning control 3. Transform into a wolf

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Name: Shina

Age: 17

rank: Samurai


Weapon: Katana

good or bad: Good

Weapon Name: Daisy Cutter

Apperance: (Edited)


History: Shina was thougth by an old samurai master. One day he told her, that he wont be able to teach her any more, and send her into the world to get some experiance.

Personality: Most times friendly, but if somone attack her friends she gets angry quickly.

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Name: Yamada Senko

Age: 15

rank: Ninja Apprentice

number:(dark samuria's only):

Aura:(samuria only)

Weapon: Sword

good or bad: Good

justu:(ninja only) Shadow Clone Jutsu, Dark Dragon Jutsu (Summons dark dragon toward the enemy) Shadow Possesion jutsu

Weapon Name(not needed)


History: Yamada became a ninja apprentice at the young age of 10. He's been training hard to be able to become the ninja master.

Personality: Quiet, but opens up to those close to him.


Temporary invisibility


Control of darkness


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