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First person who posts comes up with a topic for a telephone conversation, and 2 characters. The person who posted this becomes character 1 of the conversation. They then state Ring! Ring! Then somebody answers the phone by replying to the message. They become character 2, and state their message. Character 1 then responds to that message, and this continues until one of the people states *hangs up.* A different person can take the roll of a character, but the posts must go in alternating order. Example game.



Topic: Wrong Delivered Pizza

Character 1: Angry customer who wants a refund.

Character 2: Pizza delivery man who does not want to give a refund.

Ring.... Ring...




Hello, this is round table pizza, how may I help you?



C1 insert message here.




Insert message here.




Inset message here.

*hangs up*




I'll start.

Topic: Wrong Delivered Pizza

Character 1: Angry customer who wants a refund.

Character 2: Pizza delivery man who does not want to give a refund.

Ring.... Ring...

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