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The Pokemart|The Free sprite shop! Lock please.

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Well this is just a plain simple shop.I don't expect it to go that far just felt like doing this.All it is is a 2 item shop., splices and actual pokemon.



Well as i said before i make splices, there a bit noobish but i guess there okay for 1 point.




Order form:


Color scheme:






Okay i made a new item its LQ but look pretty good it's a splice-vice.It's made to hold pokemon splices but i can add any sprite you want.




it's free and if you want it just a for it while you order a splice.





Well also my other item is real pokemon.By that i mean i get you a pokemon from D/P/P and trade it to you.

Ex,Well i dont think there can be an example.


Order Form:





Sry but i cant do moves right now.




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I'm testing your spriting ability to see if you have the ability to run a shop. I could do this myself but as I said, I'm testing.


You ready? OK! Here's what I need...


Pokemon: Oddish, Graveler

Color scheme: Raichu


Your payment of one point has already been added to your amount. I gave you an extra two points due to a glitch.

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I'm testing your spriting ability to see if you have the ability to run a shop. I could do this myself but as I said' date=' I'm testing.


You ready? OK! Here's what I need...


Pokemon: Oddish, Graveler

Color scheme: Raichu


Your payment of one point has already been added to your amount. I gave you an extra two points due to a glitch.


Okay here it is it was easy but the coler scheme made it look like a golden pokemon :P





Pokemon: Dialga' date=' Charizard, Typhlosion

Color scheme: Typhlosion



Gundam here it is but it was hard to find compatable parts for the splice so sry but it didnt turn out that good.



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*jaw drop*


I know it's hard to do a Magikarp color scheme on such a splice, but WHAT THE HECK?! Some pixels are going on poor Machamp/Dialga/Palkia's face and tail, and its color scheme makes it look greased.


Well, I'll have to say that you can still run your shop. I'll come back if there are any more sprites I want you to make, k?

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