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Pokemon RP: The Pokémon God's Destruction Part:2 ALWAYS ACCEPTING! PG-13 (Started!) Advanced!

Silver The Hedgehog

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ooc: He can't be that strong, whats his power level?

Its... OVER 9000!

WHAT?!!? 9000!

By the way i was accepted by Pm.


As Sableye flashed his teeth a mudkip ran into the scene. "Hey comeback here! This is the 8th time today!" A boy runs in and sees the two trainers. "Sorry, my Mudkip still needs to learn obedience skills." Jaosn picks up the mudkip. "Names Jason. I've been stragling across the parts around here."

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Name: Leo Froste

Gender: Male....

Age: 16

Pokemon (1-4): Snover' date=' Abomasnow, Glaceon, Walrein

Legendary you wish to capture: Articuno

Partner Pokemon (Must be small): Sneasel

Bio: Leo was always into pokemon training. His dad, being an Ice-Type Gym Leader influenced him to do the same. His Sneasel was the first pokemon he ever captured, and has been with him since. Leo trains day and night to be like his dad, and so far, its been working.


((YOU MUST DIE!! Accepted. And jerooku, when you do OOC its now two parenthasies and IC is "Insert words here" Or this will get locked.))


"You ready Eevee?"




"Well this is my buddy one kick butt Eevee"

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'Leo was wandering around the area, looking for some training for his Snover. He then noticed a Mudkip running around. "Perfect..." He muttered, following it. He stopped when he saw another trainer grab the Mudkip and talk to 2 more. Leo laughed at himself. "Wow, and I thought that was a wild pokemon. Good thing you don't act like that, right Sneas...Sneas?" Leo muttered. He then saw the Pokemon run towards an Eevee. "Sneasel!" Leo yelled, grabbing the Pokemon. "Sorry for that." He told the trainers.'

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Demitri wakes up, realizing that he feel asleep in the grass. when he looks up, he sees a Mew sitting on his lap. before Demitri could think lucario jumps out of his pokeball and grabs mew. Mew then wriggles out of lucarios grip. before i could tell lucario to attack, mew sits on Demitri's head. Demitri hands mew a pokeball. Mew starts playing with it, then opens it. the mew gets sucked in, but he doesn't put up a fight, he gets caught instantly.

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Guest TheFinalFan

OOC: Who's the guy who's trying to catch Giratina?

IC: "No, I can't!" Chester replied before hanging up due to bad service in the cave.

He then flipped on a flashlight as Izzy activated her camera.

"Now lets get going."

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"Fool, Sableye thrives off of shadows." Sableye, with his mouth still ajar, ate the shadow ball. His stomach expanded a little for a couple of seconds due to the explosion. "Now, use Power Gem." Medium sized crystal shards flew out of Sableyes mouth, but because of the eaten shadow ball, the crystals were infused with them. Zach laughed. "Haha, cool. An added bonus."

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