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Pokemon RP: The Pokémon God's Destruction Part:2 ALWAYS ACCEPTING! PG-13 (Started!) Advanced!

Silver The Hedgehog

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Name: Lance Jones

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Pokemon (1-4): Gliscor, Honchkrow, Typhlosion, Heracross

Legendary you wish to capture: Mewtwo[/i]

Partner Pokemon (Must be small): Sableye

Bio: Lance is pretty much a jokester. Being the oldest of 4 siblings, he has a strong sense of leadership. But raised under a mother most of his life, Lance has a really big soft side.

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Kane jumps on his Ditto/Entei and it runs to the nearest body of water jumping in it transforms into lapras. "ok, now i gotta see what that doc meant by someon es trying to catch giratina". he jumps on Ditto/Lapras and sits as it takes off torwards sinnoh using ice beam tio slide across ice in a line torwards Sinnoh. "now i just gotta relax" Kane says laying down.

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"You're a Tv man, last i checked, so maybe you can help me. hol don one second," sephi held the phone down to his side and said, "Charizard, get us on the ground will ya?" charizard grunted nad dived down to the ground. upon landing, sephi jumped off of his back and spoke into the phone again.

"See, i'm on the hunt for an extremely rare pokemon, and i just got a tip on where to start looking, problem is i don't know where that is. so, can you tell me where to start looking for Team Rocket's headquarters?"

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"Its time to see how strong is Dialga. Dialga, come on out!"

Dialga comes out of the pokeball.

"You too, Salamence!"

Salamence is sent out.

"You both will be training together. Salamence use Flamethower! Dialga, use Ancient Power to stop it!"

This training went for a long time when Kurai returns the pokemon back to the pokeballs.

"Well, that was intense training, right Pikachu?" asked Kurai as he petted Pikachu.


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Name: Leo Froste

Gender: Male....

Age: 16

Pokemon (1-4): Snover, Abomasnow, Glaceon, Walrein

Legendary you wish to capture: Articuno

Partner Pokemon (Must be small): Sneasel

Bio: Leo was always into pokemon training. His dad, being an Ice-Type Gym Leader influenced him to do the same. His Sneasel was the first pokemon he ever captured, and has been with him since. Leo trains day and night to be like his dad, and so far, its been working.

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