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Pokemon RP: The Pokémon God's Destruction Part:2 ALWAYS ACCEPTING! PG-13 (Started!) Advanced!

Silver The Hedgehog

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((sorry been away cause of parent))

"Now use Psycho Cut Gallade!" Zeno yelled at his Gallade, who attempted to use Psycho cut on Suicune. Zeno had been wandering through the forest, and just his lucky, had run into Suicune who was resting. His attempt to capture it silently had been ended, and now he hoped to battle it to submission. But the Suicune was just too good for his pokemon, it was so fast, even Sceptile had a hard time fighting it. "I need to revise my strategy" Zeno said, as the Suicune dodged the Psycho cut, leapt over Gallade's head, and bounded off through the forest.


"Return Gallade," Zeno said. "I'll get you one day Suicune," Zeno said. "Let's go Umbreon," and they walked off through the forest toward the nearest town.

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Guest TheFinalFan

OOC: App #2


Name: Izumi "Izzy" Senou

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Pokemon: Magnezone, Vespiquen, Ninjask, Shedinja, Tropius

Legendary you wish to capture: None

Partner Pokemon (Must be small): Rotom

Bio: Izzy is the faithful assistant of Chester, helping him with his web series "Dr. Chestnut's World of Legends". She manages his roadies, takes care of travel arrangements, and overall makes sure the show goes on the road. She also has a crush on the good Doctor...


And who is helping me catch Entei?

IC: Chester got in closer, and prepared an Ultra Ball.

"Hey, could you help me restrain him?" he yelled.

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"Oh no problemo" said Lee as Corsola fired spikes all over the Entie's escape routes. Then he called out Steelix again who wrapped itself around him. "Hey my names Lee and I happen to be traveling the globe to search for a small society that captures pokemon".

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Guest TheFinalFan

IC: Just then, a young woman with blood-red hair tied in one long braid with blue eyes rushed in. She had on a field vest, and was carrying a camera.

"We're live in three, two..." she then motioned to Chester.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, to this live update of Dr. Chestnut's World of Legends: The Hunt for Entei! I'm, as always, Dr. Chestnut, and we have finally captured the Beast of Fire, Entei, with the help of my good friend Lee, along with his Corsola and Steelix!"

They then panned to Lee, who was standing there, looking a bit embarassed.

"Lee, how was it, helping us catch the Legendary Beast of Fire?"

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Guest TheFinalFan

IC: "Thank you, Lee!"

Izzy turned the camera to face Entei.

"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, time to catch Entei!"

Chester makes a big deal of warming up, then dramatically throws the Pokeball.

The Ultra Ball hits, and Entei is instantly converted into energy.

Now, if only the energy will stabilize inside of the Pokeball instead of causing a malfunction in the containment field, resulting in the destruction of the Pokeball and the release of Entei...

OOC: Technical description of how a Pokeball works.

I can go further if you want me to...

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Guest TheFinalFan

IC: The Pokeball finally dinged, and Chester went to dramtically pick it up.

"There you have it, folks! Entei has been captured! Next time, we'll show you Entei in all of it's glory! Thanks for watching!"

"And we're done!"

Chester sighed and wiped his brow once Izzy gave him that signal.

He went over to Lee and patted him on the back.

"Thanks, man. I owe you one."

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