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Pokemon RP: The Pokémon God's Destruction Part:2 ALWAYS ACCEPTING! PG-13 (Started!) Advanced!

Silver The Hedgehog

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((how could my punch, strait in the face, miss?????))


Demitri was about to jump into the dimensional rift, but then he decides that he doesn't actually want giritina, he was only trainig it to like humans (whitch it kinda does, so technically it wouldn't have attacked zach, but it would still hit you, because it kida liked me) so he went runing after the direction Chester and izzy flew, tryig to find mew's pokeball.

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((hey could someone be my opponent for me))


After running for a bit demitri gets tired so he stops to sit down for a while. Right as he is aout to sit, a trainer appears out from behind the bushes and chalenges him to a batle. the mysterios trainer sends out an Nidoking. "hhhmmmm, since your using a poisen type, i should probably use a psychic." Demitri says while reaching for mews pokeball remembering its not there. "S***!! well, i guess i'll use lucario then. Go Lucario!!!"

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After a couple hours, Demitri wakes up, feeling a strange pain in his back. he joggs over to the nearest town (snowpoint city), to see his girlfriend, Candice. When he walks into the city, he sees the temple, where regigigas was sleeping, had been destroyed. before he could even think, candice comes runing out of the city, and runs right into him. they were both knocked over. Candice was laying on top of Demitri, and as she got up, she noticed what was going on and she blushed.

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Zach had gotten away from all the chaos. He had arrived in Battle Area. A trainer walked up to him. "Hello. Welcome to Battle Area. If you wanna get in, you must beat me in a one-on-one battle." Zach shrugged.

"Whatever. I'm not gonna take it easy on you then."

"GO! Pincir." He threw a pokeball releasing a Pincer. It's horns shone brightly. Results of tough training apparently.

"Go..Gliscor." Gliscor came out and got into a fighting position. Zach smirked. "Stone Edge!" Gliscor shot many sharp edged stones towards the Pincir. In a second, the Pincir's armor was no match for the powerful gliscor. Even though it wasn't very effective, the hit KO'd the Pincir. The other trainer flipped out as Zach walked past him to the Battle Area.

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After the awkward silence was over, and they both stood up, Demitri says "hey Candice, whats all the commotion about?" then she quickly answered "Its Regigigas, it woke up, and went on a rampage." and before Demitri could say something back, a huge beam of energy hits right beside them and they go flying.

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