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Pokemon RP: The Pokémon God's Destruction Part:2 ALWAYS ACCEPTING! PG-13 (Started!) Advanced!

Silver The Hedgehog

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IC: The scientist and the camerawoman realized that he was actually asleep, and simply tried to do what Jesse and James should have done ages ago:

Steal a Pokemon while the Trainer was sleeping.

"Where's the Giratina?" Izzy whispered.

"It should be around here somewhere..." Chester replied softly, trying very hard to make as little noise as possible.

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OOC: Heres my app

Name: Nick Hunter

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Pokemon (1-4): Tyranitar (Rock Climb, Areial Ace, Fire Fang, Crunch), Charizard (Dragon Rage, Flamethrower, Seismic Toss, Flare Blitz), Phione (Surf, Bubblebeam, Charm, Detect),

Golbat (Scary Look, Bite, Poison Fang, Fly)

Legendary you wish to capture: Lugia

Partner Pokemon (Must be small): Piplup (Aqua Jet, Surf, brine, Metal Claw)

Bio: Nick is a determined trainer who wants to win the pokemon league.


QuestioN: Can your pokemon evolve?

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Zach nodded and ran after them. He threw his pokeball in the air. "C'mon out Gliscor, Stand by." Gliscor appeared with a call.


"Gliscor, use Stone Edge." Giant stones floated around Gliscor while shrinking and getting sharper. They flew towards the fleeing criminals.

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