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Pokemon RP: The Pokémon God's Destruction Part:2 ALWAYS ACCEPTING! PG-13 (Started!) Advanced!

Silver The Hedgehog

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Plot: In this RP, you are an Elite trainer, you and your freinds join up, and you go on a adveture. We train together, and Gyms, and the Elite Four. You then notice that every 2 weeks, the weather changes. You and the other Elite trainers go on a quest. And find new pokemon... freinds... and Legends.




OOC: Changed too ((Enter Out of character text here))


Your Character Name: Changed too: "Enter text here"






Pokemon (1-4):

Legendary you wish to capture: ARCEUS CANNOT BE CAPTURED

Partner Pokemon (Must be small):




My App:


Name: TJ

Gender: M

Age: 16

Pokemon (1-4): Blaziken, Weavile, Salamance, Luxray

Legendary you wish to capture: Darkrai

Partner Pokemon (Must be small): Eevee

Appearance (Pic or Des):Blonde Hair, Blue eyes.


Elite Trainers:

Zack Fair - TJ

Majortim - Justin Artemis

Dark Necro - Nero

zaneco - Dan Tracer

Kazekage-------Gaara - John

ProtoMachineKing - Lee Nedada

GundumFreedom - Kurai

ĎλЯклξššζ - Leonardo

Bakudude - Demitri

deept97 - Zeno

ANBU_Leader - Kane

YRPOtaku169 - CHester

Golnax - Sephi

jeroukoo - Jason

Ĩ¢ε - Leo Froste


.:Ultimate Lifeform:. - Cris


Pokemon Legends already taken:


Kyorge Changed to Darkrai



Deoxys - Speed Mode










Elite Trainer: They are a group of trainers that are very famous, and get treated with very high respect.

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Name: Dan Tracer

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Pokemon: Luxray, Wishcash, Honchkrow, electivire

Legendary you wish to capture: Deoxys, speed mode

Partner Pokemon: Rotom

Bio: The son of an ex-electric gym leader, he loves electric types but also tries to balance his party. He was called Ace lightning in his home town before leaving on his journey.

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Guest Tainted Black

Name: John

Gender: Male

Age: 23




Hyper Beam

Draco Meteor

Dragon Pulse



[spoiler=Dragonite (Lance's Old One)]


Draco Meteor

Dragon Pulse






Dragon Rush

Fire Fang

Dragon Claw




Hydro Pump

Dragon Claw


Dragon Pulse



Legendary you wish to capture:Rayquaza

Partner Pokemon: Riolu

Bio: Lance's Grandson. He Aspires to be just like his Grandfather one day and he strives towards it everyday. He is a Gym Leader, but he left for a Challenge.

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Name: Lee Nedada

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Pokemon (1-4): Steelix, Tyranitar, Aerodactyl, Gliscor

Legendary you wish to capture: Palkia,

Partner Pokemon (Must be small): Corsola

Bio: Lee is a man who adored Rock and Ground pokemon due to their loving nature. But when a legion of Pokehunters attacked his pokemon and toke them away

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Name: Leonardo

Gender: M

Age: 16

Pokemon (1-4): [spoiler=Torterra]-Wood Hammer

-Leaf Storm


-Giga Impact


[spoiler=Imfernape]-Close Combat

-Flare Blitz

-Solar Beam



[spoiler=Empoleon]-Hydro Pump

-Hydro Canon

-Grass Knot




-Aura Sphere

-Close Combat

-Dragon Pulse


Legendary you wish to capture: ARCEUS CANNOT BE CAPTURED Giratina

Partner Pokemon (Must be small): [spoiler=Shinx]-Thunder

-Thunder Fang


-Signal Beam


Bio: I mysterious boy who has no friends....... He hates nearly everything in the world......... He trains so hard....... And he's harsh to his Pokemons but they love him....... And so does he........ And he never show his feelings............

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Name: Demitri

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Pokemon (1-4):Lucario, Azumarill, and Flygon

Legendary you wish to capture: Mew

Partner Pokemon (Must be small): Charmander

Bio: if you have seen the movie lucario and the mystery of mew, you should know Sir Aaron. Demitri is a derect decendant of him and looks just like him (also wear the exact same looking clothes). he also acts like him. at a young age, Demitri was playing with his ancestors staff. then Aaron's lucario appeared out. since that day they have trained together and have become great friends.

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Name: Zeno L.

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Pokemon (1-4):

Flygon [spoiler=]

Dragon Claw

Draco Meteor

Fire Punch




Gallade [spoiler=]


Stone Edge

Psycho Cut

Focus Blast



Sceptile [spoiler=]

Giga Drain

Leaf Blade

Frenzy Plant

Solar Beam



Typhlosion [spoiler=]


Focus Blast

Solar Beam




Legendary you wish to capture: Suicune

Partner Pokemon (Must be small): Umbreon [spoiler=]

Giga Impact



Flamethrower (evolved from Eevee that knew flamethrower)



Bio: Has had an interest in pokemon since he was young. The day he got his first pokemon, he spotted a Suicune and it has been his goal to capture one ever since.

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Name: Kane

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Pokemon (1-4): [spoiler=Ditto] Transform


[spoiler=Blaziken] Solar Beam, Hi-Jump kick, Flare blitz, Blaze Kick


[spoiler=Empoleon] Drill peck, Brine, Aqua Jet, Swords Dance


[spoiler=Dragonite] Draco Meteor, Outrage, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch


Legendary you wish to capture: Rotom

Partner Pokemon (Must be small): [spoiler=Treeko] Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Slam, Detect


Bio: from a young age Kane had played in wood nearby his house. one day coming across a treeko which has stayed with him since, loyal as he helped it when it had been stuck in part of a tree.

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