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Fenrir's Zoid Hanger [Current Sprite: Dervish /This one's for you Snitch :3]


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[spoiler=Icy's Zoid(s)]Icy1.png

Zoid Type: Liger Zero

Zoid Name: Liger Zero 1CE

Zoid Bio: Liger Zero 1CE was designed for the Helio Republic to use in extreme heat. This Zoid's unique cooling system circulates cooling fluids throughout the chassis, similar to veins. The fluids pass through a certain system that "re-energizes" it. This allows the fluid to cool the Zoid for a long time.

Zoid Weapons: N/A

Zoid Special Attack: Strike Laser Claw

Owner: "IcyBlue"

Original Zoid Chassis: 1-LigerZero.png


=End Feed=


And yes, this is a gyft to Icy, a great friend. =p



[spoiler=Snitch's Zoid(s)]


Zoid Type: Geno Hydra

Zoid Name: Geno Hydra Dervish

Zoid Bio: The Dervish was created by a rather rich Daien Baron, and stolen by an inspiring thief dubbed Snitch. The power of the Dervish comes from it's high mobility and reflexes, enabling it to cruise through deserts unfazed by gun fire or any other missiles.

Zoid Weapons: Geno Repeaters located on back (2)

Zoid Special Attack: Serpent Bane

Owner: "Snitch"

Original Zoid Chassis: 3-GenoHydra.png


=End Feed=


To Snitch, another great friend. :3




Again, not my best, but I'm getting back into it. xD



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