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The YCM Gazette © Newspaper HQ - Hiring Workers!


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Welcome to the one and only news station that gives you the latest news, for cheap!


I wish for this to become a large community of members gathering together to make a newspaper with coverage on all the latest Yu-Gi-Oh events and more! We can also advertise things, all at a small price!


We are currently taking jobs


It will come out every Wednesday-Friday, when we have enough workers


We are currently looking for a banner, so if anyone would like to post one here, you will be entered in a competition to see whose is the best banner. closing date undecided. Prize = 2 reps


1 issue = 5 points

6 issues = 25 points




Job Application:


Job (what you would like to report on):

Requested Payment:


Advertisment Application:

Thread Name:

What Section? (e.g. Fanfic):

Message(first 10 words are free, each word afterwards equals 2 points):

Number of Issues(5 points per issue):


Written Article Application:





Sent by the PM EXPRESS





All articles written are PM'ed to me unless I say so




Jobs Needed Most at the Moment:


Job description: Formats articles and advertisements into newspaper style. Will recieve articles and advertisements by PM.

Pay Type: Moderate

Number of places left:1



Card Rater - Real Life

Job description: Rates 1 random real life card per issue. must give an in-depth description of all positives and negatives of the card

Pay Type: Moderate to Upper

Number of places left: 1


Card Rater - Fan-Made

Job description: Rates 1 fan-made card per issue that is not too Op'd or UP'd per issue, cannot rate own card. must give an in-depth description of all positives and negatives of the card.

Pay Type: Moderate to Upper

Number of places left: 1


Card Rater - Fan-Made Set

Job description: Rates 1 fan-made set per issue that is not too Op'd or UP'd per issue, cannot rate own set. must give an in-depth description of all positives and negatives of the cards and/or set.

Pay Type: Upper

Number of places left: 2


Game Rater

Job description: Rates 1 game (any game) per week (prefferably a video game or MMORPG). must be a different game each article

Pay Type: Moderate

Number of places left: 1


Real-life Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the week chooser

Job description: Chooses 1 card to be the card of the week, must be real-life card.

Pay Type: Lower

Number of places left: 1


Fan-made Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the week chooser

Job description: Chooses 1 card to be the card of the week, must be fan-made.

Pay Type: Lower

Number of places left: 1


Anime Reporter

Job description: Chooses 1 episode (prefferably 5D's) of the Yu-Gi-Oh anime and does a clear explanation of the storyline and duels.

Pay Type: Upper

Number of places left: 1


News Agents

Job Description: Tries to advertise newspaper, get as much affilates as possible, and encourages people to buy newspaper, or anything else a news agent would do.

Pay Type: Depends

Number of places left: lots


Fan-Fic Reviewer V1

Job Description: Writes an in-depth review of any fanfic, cannot be own, different fan-fic each week.

Pay Type: Moderate to Upper

Number of Places left: 2


Fan-Fic Reviewer V2

Job Description: Writes an in-depth review of any fanfic, cannot be own, sticks with same fan-fic, if next chapter isn't posted by the time of next week, job turns into fan-fic reviewer V1 until; next chapter is posted.

Pay Type: Moderate to Upper

Number of Places left: 2



Job Description: Interviews (prefferably well known or famous) members about something interesting. In article writes all questions and answers.

Pay Type: Depends...

Number of places left: 2


Ultimate Reporter

Job Description: reports anything interesting (that means ANYTHING, from Yu-Gi-Oh to Bob the builder to anything interesting)

Pay Type: Highly Depends...

Number of places left: INF


Yu-Gi-Oh Highlight of the week reporter

Job Description: chooses anything Yu-Gi-Oh and writes it as the highlight.

Pay Type: Lower

Number of places left: 1


YCM Thread of the Week reporter

Job Description: chooses ANY thread, from a club to a fan-fic, and writes the name, whats good about it, and a link.

Pay Type: Lower to Moderate

Number of places left: 1


............ Reporter

Job Description: a job that you think I should have and you want to have. Must include job description. I will add it if I think it is a good enough idea.






Name: benguinboo

Job: Editor

Payment (so I don't forget): N/A


Name:Yu-Gi-Oh 5D`S

Job (what you would like to report on):Card Rater - Real Life

Requested Payment:NOTHING


Name: Skylar Hyuzumaki

Job: Game Rater, Card Rater - Fan Made and Newsagent

Payment: at least 5 points



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Job Application:

Name:Yu-Gi-Oh 5D`S

Job (what you would like to report on):Card Rater - Real Life

Requested Payment:NOTHING


How many jobs can we have per person ?




Answer: up to 3 I would say




Offical YCM Paper made.




there is already i newspaper so this might not be aloud :)


Oh, I didn't know that


I actually searched for ages to see if there was one but I didn't find one


Anyway, its like someone doing a club about mario called "The Official Mario Club". Then someone else, without knowing about the other one makes one called "The Mario Fan Club", I'm in the situation of the guy who made "The Mario Fan Club". Anyway, I have once come up with an idea like this and it was copied, probably without them knowing about mine.


and if there is one, why cant there be another?


In real life there are tonnes of different newspapers, so why can't there be on YCM?


It is like different brands.

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The max jobs to join is 3???


Or can we join any we want???


Also i don't get the difference bettwen applications and wich one should i chose for this...


Job Application:???




Job (what you would like to report on):

Card Rater - Real Life

Card Rater - Fan-Made

Card Rater - Fan-Made Set


Requested Payment:

Do you pay per week, month...???

20 points i think, but need you to awser my questions^^

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The max jobs to join is 3??? About


Or can we join any we want??? If you think you can handle it


Also i don't get the difference bettwen applications and wich one should i chose for this...


Job Application:Yup



Job (what you would like to report on):

Card Rater - Real Life

Card Rater - Fan-Made

Card Rater - Fan-Made Set


Requested Payment:

Do you pay per week' date=' month...??? Per issue, first one made soon.

20 [b'](17 points, will make higher when magazine sells)[/b] points i think, but need you to awser my questions^^



Job (what you would like to report on):Fan-made Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the week chooser

Requested Payment: 10 (way to much' date=' all you gotta do for that job is give me a random card, redue payment, then you will be accepted)[/b'] points


are we going to get the paper made or what ? When we have enough people!

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