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Club Worm - CBA to count how many members


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That depends on what kind of Burn Deck you're talking about, a Simuchi Burn relies on cards like Bad Reaction to Simuchi and Nurs Reficule + any life point giver.

A Stall burn deck relies on cards like Gravety Bind and Burners like Stealth Bird or Wave-Motion Cannon.

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Inflict effect damage to your opponent in the first couple of turns.

Or, in Lex's case, stall your opponent and slowly burn him.




Blow up your opponent's field and then go in for the kill with Gyzarus, Herk or Laquari


Pull Synchros out of your ass and beat down for game


Summon JD

Crystal Beasts:

Win with the Abundance OTK


Many more.

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