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Backwards Magicians


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Ok, the idea for Backwards Magicians are regular spellcasters, but their effects and summonings are carried out in reverse order. For example, to summon a LV 5-whatever, you can Special Summon the monster from your hand. But after two turns, you have to have summoned two monsters that would have originally been tributed to Summon the first monster. Spell cards would be used to reverse effects of other spell and trap cards, for instance, The trap card ring of destruction would change so that both opponents would gain LP equal to a monster that you Special Summon that turn. Feel free to comment!

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Backwards Magician - anaM




You can Special Summon this card from your hand during your Main Phase. If you do, during your next turn's Main Phase, return it to your hand and Special Summon a Level 4 or lower monster from your hand. You cannot Normal Summon the turn you activate this effect.


Backwards Magic - noitcurtseD fO gniR

Normal Trap

You can only activate this card if you control a "Backwards Magician" monster. Remove a monster in either player's Graveyard that was destroyed by an effect from play. Both players gain Life Points equal to that monster's ATK.


Something like that?

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