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Geodude + Machamp = Geoverlord =3


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Name: Geoverlord

Height: 1'10''

Weight: 45.3 lbs

Type: Rock + Fighting

Evolves From: Geodude

How it Evolves: Geodude must defeat a Machoke/Machamp and be Level 30+

Pokedex Entry: Geoverlord is considered to be a hybrid of Machamp and Geodude. The Geoverlord believes that he is the most powerful Rock Pokemon, and so never backs down whilst fighting another Rock Type. It now uses it's four arms not only for aggresion, but for an increase in speed.




Civil Aggresion: When fighting another Rock Type Pokemon, Geoverlord has it's ATK increase by 50%


Sandstorm: When Geoverlord fights, Sandstorm weather occurs.



Meh, just a quick one. I know I kinda screwed up the arms on the 2nd Frame, but it's only a minor mistake. CnC and stuff please ^^[/align]

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