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Valkyrie's Strength-all new cards added!!!

Saiba Aisu

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The first few cards from my new set, the Strength of Valkyria. These are Valkyries...the Norse Shield Maidens that led the worthy souls of dead warriors to Valhalla, where they could battle for all eternity.


Please rate/comment. Tell me what you think!



































I love this pic... ^^^







^^^ Thanks for this card, Yankee.




"When this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned, place 1 "Tamer Token" on this card. Whenever this card destroys a monster by battle place 1 "Tamer Token" on this card. Once per turn during your Main Phase, remove any number of "Tamer Token(s)" from this card to take control of a monster on your opponent's side of the field with a level equal to or lower than the combined number of Tokens removed. If this card battles without a "Tamer Token" destroy it during the End Phase."


^^^ Special Thanks to Shinigami_Ichigo for this one! Thanks!






"This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 2 or more monsters on your side of the field or in your Graveyard with "Valkyrie" in their card names from play. When this card is successfully Tribute Summoned, destroy a number of Trap cards on the field equal to the number of monsters removed from play by this effect. (If any of the selected cards is Set, pick up and see it. If it is a Trap Card, is destroyed. If it is a Spell Card, return it to its original position."




The inspiration for her came from the fact that Valkyries were said to take worthy warriors to Valhalla where they would battle, die, then be reborn, and then feast. This card lets you bring back your opponent's monster (maybe) clogging up their field, and giving you an attack target for later. So you see? "Eternal Battle" and all. Note the dead guys in the background. ^^






"This card's Type is also treated as Warrior. Once per turn, if you have at least 1 other monster on your side of the field with "Valkyrie" in its card name, you can discard 1 card to take control of 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field. The selected monster cannot attack or change its Battle Position. As long as the selected card remains on your side of the field, you must pay 700 Life Points during each of your Standby Phases. If you cannot, destroy the selected card."


Hope you like it!


Be sure to tell me what you think! ^^


Thanks for all your help!!!


P.S. I tried to make "Beast Tamer Valkyrie" fair. Tell me if I did.

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I ADORE THEM ^_^ they are brilliant!' date=' of course theres most likly some gram issues but i cant be bothered to even look for them cos these cards look and sound just brilliant ^_^


9.5/10 ^_^ make more ^_^



Thanks, and I will! I did try to avoid any OCG issues-but if you spot anything-shoot, I'll change it. Thanks for the rating. ^^

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Anyway, Very, Very nice cards! They are way to great to be from a normal person, you have to work for konami or somthing. I do have a question, why do you only do women in your cards? why not dragons or warrior men or somthing, not mad or anything, just wondering.

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Konami? Nah. They're small-time. LOL! Eh...well...I used to do Dragons/-What was it? *Checks* "Warrior Men?" xD a while ago-but EVERYONE does those. EVERYONE. So I decided to try a new avenue of sexy but powerful cards-and it's rather interesting to look up some pictures for them....*DROOL* Woops! *Wipes it away* And don't sweat, you are perfectly entitled to ask civil questions-if I'm in a good mood I'll answer. :] Thanks for all your help.

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Good set

If Graceful didn't boost 1500 LP for being in ATK mode

Vengeful is good(not likely it'd die result of battle)

Maybe I'll help later(Still working on my set)



Ok. Thanks-so now I can lose the 1500 Life Point effect. I see.

Vengeful is a little overpowered I think...

Actually, it is not that overpowered. It is actually very nice! that card alone gets a 9.5/10 for me.

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