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Chaos Zeros rp [Advanced] -PG 13- [accepting/Started]


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"Relax, it's just Samus. I guess she was able to grab her ship before she was teleported to wherever we are right now."

As he says this, the ship lands and a huntress clad in strange armor appears, armed for battle. Teknus was worried, as he had never seen Samus wearing her strongest armor at the very start of a mission. But whether or not this was a mission, remained to be seen.


ooc: this is what she looks like in her most powerful armor.


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Roland stood on the top level of the tower that was now his in the venter of everything. he looked out on the endless field of roses that looked like nothing more than a pool of blood far below. with this tower, Roland had everything, he could go everywhere and anywhere, he ruled all if he so chooses. but he didn't want to rule the universe, he didn't want to be king. he wanted his dearest Susan back, but he knew he couldn't have her. so what was there to do? explore the universe in his now infinite life.


roland searched hte floors of his tower, looking for a world that was his to explore, to do with what he can do some good. on one of the floors closest to the top, roland found a door with the hieroglyphic for "War and sublemity" on it. he decided that this would be the world he explored, and he opened the door with black thirteen in his swag bag and pink eleven right next to it. on his left hip was his beg calibur gun, the last of his revolvers. he made sure he had plenty of amo, and before he walked through the door, he looked over and saw an acoustic guitar lying on the floor. he paused for a moment, then went over and picked it up. he thought it might be useful. with the guitar in his hand and the big iron on his hip, he walked through the door and into a new world.

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Name: Gisaga

What show: (if you are creating a character with powers from an anime or video game series) Shinzo

Villian or hero: Villian from Entera

Bio: Born on Entera, as an Kadrian. Looks like a normal man at first glance, but if you look closer he has snake like Fangs and a stretchable mouth.

Abilities: Snake Shot (Shoots poisenious beams), Hyper forme (Increases my power and gives me a total different apearance, can only do my Hyper mode once, and I can also return from Hyper mode to Normal).

History: He was a might Kadrian serfing under Lanacuras and trying to exterminate all humans, but when Lanancuras was beaten, he was captured by both Enterans and Humans, who once again lived in peace, but he escaped and swore to exterminate all good humans, but now not only on Entera.

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--that's what i said. and now back to action!


Zero noticed that there was a ship landing somewhere at the edge of the temple grounds. Bringing up information on it, he discovers that the ship is Samus's, which meant that she had arrived here as well. In bringing up a visual of the 'landing site', Zero noticed that Teknus was already there as well, along with someone else. "I see. So we are not the only ones."

"You are correct."

"Then...why are we here?" Zero asks as he turns to face the person (or creature?) that had greeted him in such a weird fashion.

"I apologize for not explaining sooner. It seemed as though you had something on your mind at the moment, and i thought it best to allay you worries first. My name is Lumina, and i am the guardian of the great temple, as well as the 156,912th sentinel of the planet Aether." Lumina raises his hands and causes a miniature hologram to appear in front of him. "Many eons ago, a great war was fought against creatures called the Ing. Many of our bravest warriors fell in battle, but one day a strange huntress clad in Chozodian armor that was modified for her use arrived and freed us from the terror of the Ing. However, instead of being destroyed, then Ing survived, living off of the darkness and calling other dark beings to them as well. During the time of the 1,000th Sentinel, many other species were living with my people, called the Luminoth. among them were Chozodians, metroids that had evolved to a sentient state, even humans, among other various species. During that time, an army attacked, an army of darkness." The hologram changes to show many different species, and Lumina continues to explain the history of Aether to Zero. "They were great in number, but they were easily forced off of Aether. However, among the stars and in the vastness of space, their powers grew immensely. An army of light was formed to face against them, but one by one, our greatest warriors fell, and the universe was slowly turned to darkness. However, there were a few brave warriors who were able to still fight against the darkness. While my people created powerful weapons for the greatest of these warriors, they found those who still had the will to fight against the army of darkness. In the final climactic battle, which took place on the temple grounds, the army of darkness was finally defeated, and pushed back into the void from whence they came. Now, so many eons later, they have returned to finish what their predecessors began. That is why it was necessary to summon warriors from other universes. For not only is this universe in danger, but once it has fallen into darkness, the armies of darkness shall turn their attention to all the rest of creation, and the many universes that reside within it."


--i g2g as well. i need to prepare for school, and then i have to leave at 12:50, if not sooner. later.

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ROlnad looked around through the door he had opened and sw what looked like a temple. preplexed, he steped through the door and looked around further. to any one that might ahve been looking it would have seemed like, which he basicaly did. he looked around, marveling hte archeticht and how it had stayed in tack compared to the ancient buildings on his world. seeing that no one was around and that he must be alone, he sighed and sat down, relaxing his twisted joints that suffered so from the dry twist. sitting cross legged, he picked up the acoustic guitar and put it on his lap and started playing the only song that he knew how to play. hte sounds echoed off of hte walls of the temple.


(if you want to know what song he's playing, look up gunslinger on youtube and find the one that starts with acoustic guitar)

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Guest Tainted Black

Thomas wandered around, trying to find some other human. He stumbled upon a temple. He entered and heard a guitar. He looked around, and upon seeing Roland, he walked up. "Nice Guitar." Thoms said "I'm Thomas of Crimea. You are?" He asked, extending his hand to shake.

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roland stopped playing the guitar and sprang up to his feet so fast that the movement hadn't been seen. the guitar was now on teh floor at his feet and the big revolver 45. was in his hand pointing at Thomas. the wind hadn't even caught up to billowing his jacket before this. roland galred at thomas and pulled back the hammer, saying, "My name is Roland, Roland of Gilead, the last gunslinger." roland put the hammer back and lowered hte gun back to his side. "Say thankya you didn't die... Thomas, and pray to the man jesus that you don't surprise me like that again."

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roland shook his head and sighed. "Such as my point, say thankya. but fortuantelyi can find you wehre ever you go now that i've seen you..." Roland reached down to his right hip as an especially bad twinge of the dry twist aprang up there. afer massageing it for a second his hand moved to the swag bag he carried at his hip, feeling the pulse of pink 11 in there...

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Guest Tainted Black

"My world... . was mostly destroyed by a Flood. My continent, Tellius survived. I'm from the year 900 or so. We have no.... guns, was it?" He stared. Alondite reacted a little bit.

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