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Chaos Zeros rp [Advanced] -PG 13- [accepting/Started]


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greetings gaara. oh, and i am currently working on my 3 character profiles now. i will post them all at once when they are completed.


edit: okay, just so everybody knows, we are not just accepting anyone into the rp. we don't want to have bad rpers here, since that would lower the quality of the thread as a whole. so, you must each send me an rp post. it could star as an attack or as a conversational piece. it just has to be good. i will respond and it will continue for 3 or 4 times. that should be long enough for me to ascertain everyones capabilities. gaara, you are exempted from this since i already know that you are an excellent rper.


i am truly sorry if this offends anyone, but we want this to be a great rp thread, and the only way to make sure of that is to make sure that we don't have any bad rpers in here here. sorry, but that's just how it is.

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okay, so i have finally finished my applications for the 3 separate characters. i know this is a lot, but it would be a whole lot more if i went into the combos and how the combos give way to a whole new set of weapons for my third character, so i'll just leave it at this. XD


[align=center][spoiler=character applications]

[spoiler=Zero {Warning! Very Long History Given!}]

Name: Zero

What show: Megaman Zero 1-4 and parts of the X series.

Villian or hero: Hero

Abilities: Z-buster: an exterior arm cannon. Arm Cannon: O-Buster: another exterior arm cannon. O-Saber, Z-saber, Triple Rod, Chain Rod, Recoil Rod, Z-Knuckle, Weapons Crystal, (located in the front of the helmet and can lock onto multiple targets) Various chip for the different parts of his armor that allows for extra abilities such as a higher defense or attack, quicker mobility, temporary invulnerability which is gained when using the speed boost, jumping multiple times in the air, allowing for battle on the waters surface, self repair abillities, and many more. He also can change his armor to any one of 8 elemental styles and gain abilities unique to each element, and copy the abilities of any enemy he defeats.

Bio & History: Zero was originally a human. However, when he nearly lost everything that he held dear, he sought the power to protect it and was instead conumed by it. Not knowing of Dr. wily's evil deeds, he worked with him to create the original Bio-Metal Model Z, Fortitude Creed. While working with Dr. Albert Wily, Wily himself discovered that Zero was actuall his Great-Great-Great-Grandson. Upon discovering this, and discovering that without intervention, the whole world would be destroyed in a matter of centuries, Wily had no choice but to use him as humanites one last hope. However, in order to do that, Zero had to first experience and overcome the madness that had plagued his family line for for several millenia. As a result, it was Zero who struck the blow that ended Dr. Albert Wilys life. And so he became a maverick, and was able to overcome it with the help of Sigma some 15 years in the future. There were many fights, and eventually Zero fell under Weils control during the elf wars, becoming a maverick once more. Coming back to his senses only with the help of his close friend Megaman X, Zero had X put him in Cryosleep before sending Weil and his ultimate creation which he had named Omega into a space using a giant rocket, where he would be banished for all time. Over a century later, a scientist named Ciel reawakened Zero, and Zero helped her to defeat the Copy X, the Dark Elf, Omega, and finally Weil himself. After defeating Weil, Omega, who had somehow survived the battle with Zero, helped him to survive ragnaroks descent. Afterwards, Zero lost all of his powers. The only indication that they would ever return was that Zero still had his knee length hair. Realizing that remnants of Weils forces were coming to finish Zero, He destroyed them as they arrived and was able to make a temporary power suit for Zero so that he would survive. Finally, Omega gave Zero his O-Saber and O-buster and left to find his own path in life. Zero returned to Area Zero where no-one recognized him due to the change he had gone through, Zero decided that sinc it was all over, he wanted to live the remainder of his life in peace. He helped to make Area Zero a place where humans and reploids could live together in peace. However, Weil was far from finished. He arrived in Area Zero, where he was met with fear, hatred, and scorn. However, he had seemed so truly penitent, that he managed to fool everyone into thinking that he had changed for the better...even Zero. He used his remaining forces to build a base in the ruins of Neo Arcadia in secret from which numerous attacks were launched against Area Zero, causing vast amounts of damage to be done. Zero was able to defeat the enemies, and eventually regained all of his powers. at that point, Weil began painting Zero as the villain, as the one who had abandoned everyone due to his own selfish wants. Even Ciel was turned, and in the end, Zero was exiled from Neo Arcadia. However, just as his exile was put into force, the real Megaman X appeared along with the four guardians; Harpuia, Fefnir, Phantom, and Leviathin. with them also were Omega, Elpizo, the Mother Elf, and 2 others who called themselves Teknus and Samus. He later learns after they have all left Area Zero that the 2 of them are actually his brother and his long lost love, and finds out just how they manaed to survive all these years so that they could rejoin him. Twenty years pass and they infiltrate Area Zero, finding and fighting the Godkarino machine as they explore the depths of Area Zero's underground world. The Godkarino Machine is defeated and seperate into the four reploids that were used to create it; Bit, Byte, Zain, and Geemel. immediately after the fight, Ciel appears out of a secret passage and has them all put into holding. after a painful reunion with Zero and many harsh words, (as Ciel had been forced to grow a thicker skin over the intervening years) Zero and the others join the new resistance formed to overthrow Weil, and learn that all of Area Zero has become disillusioned with him and were waiting for the right time to strike back. After a very long series of battles, Zero finally defeats Weil, and learns that Omega was once a part of him. To allow Zero to survive, Omega becomes one with him again during the last battle against weil. Afterwards, a new threat appears who calls himself Chaos Zero. revealing that he is also a part of Zero, he absorbs Zero into himself, but is eventually defeated and becomes part of Zero. Once Chaos Zero is defeated, Zero discovers the truth behind everything, and why it was that this destiny was chosen for him. armed with the truth, and the knowledge that it was all to help save the world from itself so that others could be as happy as he had desired to be. Zero is content, convinced that the fighting is finally over. However, Weil reappears and is fought once again along with his many minions. In a final battle, where it seems as though Zero still lost everything he ever cared for despite his best efforts, He kills Dr. Weil just as he had done With Dr. wily. Peace returns for the next two to three hundred years, and Zero helps to form the Sage Trinity and create a world where everyone can be happy.





Name: Teknus

What show: Tekno Man

Villian or hero: Hero

Abilities: He is able to control all forms of technology, including Xenotech. However, Organic Technology is beyond his abilities. Teknus is also able to cast a variety of spells, and is an expert in wielding many type of weapons.

Bio & History: Teknus us Zeros brother. Like Zero, he was once human. however, after the events that took place That made Zero into who he was, he and Zeros Girl friend (or should i say lover?) went to Wily's lab. Wily knew that his end was near, and had only just finished making a recording explaining everything to Zero when Teknus arrived along with Samus. As surprised as they were to find out that Wily was still alive, the were even more surprised to discover the truth behind Wilys final actions. With his remining life, Wily helped to create powersuits for Teknus and Samus both, and put them in a state of cryosleep until it was safe for them to awaken once more and help Zero with the battles to come.




[spoiler=Samus]Name: Samus

What show: Super Metroid and Metroid Prime 1 & 2. (will add 3 once i have played it. XD)

Villian or hero: Hero

Bio: Samus is Zeros closest friend, and the only one that truly understands him down to the deepst dpths of his soul, just as Zero knows the same for Samus. She was hospitalized for a long time due to horrific attack that had happened when Zero was not with her. After Zero becomes something more due to his actions and she is almost killed, Zero regains his memories and somehow manages to heal a terminal wound, saving her life. When Samus awakens, she is consumed by fear and hatred. When Zero shows who he really is though, and explains that he had no memories of who he was before until that moment, Samus was shocked into silence and suddenly felt a great sorrow pressing down on her heart, a sorrow that only grew as Zero left to walk the path of vengeance. Not content to let him simply walk away from everything, She and Teknus go to Wilys lab after the last battle, and with Wilys help, manage to create their own power suits. All other requirements having been cleared, they enter a state of cryosleep until the day that they are reawakened to help Zero end the fighting once and for all. When Chaos Zero appears and absorbs Zero into himself, it is ultimately Samus who was able to defeat him, not by fighting him, but by demonstrating an unwavering love and unshaken faith in him, As he was also a part of Zero, the same man that she loved.

Abilities: Power Beam, Charge Beam, (for all beam based weaponry) Wave beam, Ice Beam, Plasma Beam, Dark Beam, Light Beam, Annihilator Beam, Missiles, (complete with super missile, ice missile, and diffusion wave blasts) Morph Ball Mode, numerous different Visors, (including the very necessary Battle Visor) Morph Ball Mode, (her alternate form that turns her into a one meter high sphere) Morph Ball Bomb, Power Bomb, and various combos.




I am going to have to send more points then i already did since i am sure that all of the abilities, both listed and unlisted, (due to it would take to much time and take up way to much space {even more so then now XD}) exceed the amount of points that i have already sent.

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Name: Saruto Duke

What show: (if you are creating a character with powers from an anime or video game series) Bleach

Villian or hero: Hero




- Weight: 150

- Height: 6'0

- Hair color: Golden

- Hair style: Ichigo with longer hair in the back

- Skin color:

- Eye color: Red

- Miscellaneous: A muscular and tall man

- Other features: He has a scar on his left arm that looks like a "V" and he has a tattoo of a Pheonix on is right soulder



- Character: stubborn, wise, short-tempered, determined, outspoken, strong-willed. he is also a friendly with some people but if a person make him mad than he can turn in to a someone who you don't want to be around with angery.

- Morals: His morals are that he believes that the Soul Society should care about the human souls in the World of the Living and do more Soul Burials. He also believes that all Soul Reapers should have both Shikai and Bankai. And His Motto is "Zanpakutos are only as strong as the will."

- Talents: He can read faster then other people, He can plan, battle plans in the middle of the battle. He has a very strong will.

- Hobbies: Reading, History of the World of the Living, Trainning and Fighting

- Loves: His Wife, Drinking, and Fighting

- Hates: People who are A**holes, the Soul Society

- Goals: Protect his friends and human souls.

- Fears: Death



- Name: Searagetu

- Appearance: looks like a normal Zanpakuto but has it personified

- Personification: a red blade with a white handal

- Shikai: He lift the Zanpakuto over his head and says this "Flame my Searagetu" and the Zanpakuto go in a flaming sword

-Seara Flame- Saruto gets superstrong and and the flaming sword it self gets bigger and the flame gos up Saruto's arms but it does not burn him

-Seara Shield- The flaming sword turns into a flaming Shield

- Bankai: Saruto calls out "Flaza Searagetu" and then the flaming sword go into Flaming Armor that covers his body whole and he is get superhuman speed and faster then a normal Soul Reaper's Captain and still have the flaming sword

-Flaza Windra- Saruto gets Flaming Wings and he get a metal tail, he can fly and he is faster then the flash step and when he return to his normal state he is very weak and might fell asleep.


Hollow Mask(Arrancar and Vizards only)


- Appearance: A dog like mask with horns as ears and red and black markings

- How it is put on your face: Saruto put his hand on his face and appear on his face

- Abilities offered: He can only have the mask on for 5 mins, He has more Endurance and more Spiritual Power. His Flaming Sword turns black and flame turns black too. Also his slaming sword is bigger.


[spoiler=History:] Saruto was a former Captain for the Gotei 13. He was the the 8th Division Captain that is nickname "The Flaming Captain" because he had a flaming Personality. He was always happy and kind to his Divison and other Divisons. But one night the other Captains had him other throwen by making look like he did a crime. So he was thown in jail but Saruto grab his Zanpakuto and got out the Soul Society and voling he will destory it some day. So 100 years later he found out that Soul Reapers can have a Hollow type mask, which he remembers that it is against the rules in the Soul Society but he was in the World of the Living and then he found a way get Hollow Mask in a bloody way. He killed 1000 Hollows with while he was bleeding bleeding out and at the end he got a Hollow Mask. And he train with the mask and found the levels of the mask and done his trainning. While in the World of the Living, he meet many people that became his friends in the World of the Living. He also has a Wife and 1 kid that he cares about dearly. He also have meet a number of Quincys that became his friends because he want to Destory the Soul Society.




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Guest Tainted Black

Name: Thomas

What show: Fire Emblem

Villian or hero: Hero

Bio: A man from the continent of Tellius. HE is on a journey with his three signature weapons, Tempest Blade, Alondite, and Urvan.


Aether: See Ike from Fire Emblem 10.

The Tempest blade controls Wind

Alondite shoots rays.

Adept: Sometimes moves faster

Wrath: Faster and stronger when hurt.

Resolve: When hurt, thinks clearer, and dodges better



History: He is Ike's Grandson. He is on a Journey, just like his Father, and Grandfather before him. He is also a Branded.

Appearance: 3081657.png


I'll pay when definitely accepted.

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