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Chaos Zeros rp [Advanced] -PG 13- [accepting/Started]


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NERV's held breath was released in a vehement "schieße" that was variably metaphorical.


"Shinji?!" Misato screeched into her terminal. "Are you out?! We're under attack here by something flying; we're gonna need to try and start Unit 02! Hurry up and make contact while we try and get you back here!"


Asuka had already selected a choice submachine gun; Misato selected a pistol. Ritsuko decided the voice was mightier than the sword. "Get defense systems online," she commanded. "Full missile capacity, N2 missiles included. Treat this as pattern blue," she added for emphasis. "I'll keep an eye on Shinji."


"Okay, guys, I'm out," Shinji's delayed reply registered within NERV.

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"WHAT THE HELL??!!?!" Zero couldn't believe his eyes. there was a creature floating above. dormant for now, but he knew that with a single strike...."I have to stop them!" Zero knew that they were about to fire off their missiles, and he knew that there was only one way to stop them. he detested himself for having to do this, but there was no other way. quickly inputting a set of coordinate, Zero activated his portable transerver and within an instant, appeared in the center of N.E.R.V. HQ, directly behind someone who he recognized immediately as being the leader. Taking out his O-Buster, he wrapped his left arm around the person as he put the O-Buster in hid right hand directly against her temple. "Disarm all of the weapons right now! Fire anything and your leader dies!" Zero was panicked. he had researched the files before, and he knew what gorea was capable of. if it was disturbed, it would be fully revived, and would destroy them all before the army of darkness would even have the chance.

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OoC: So what's the flying thing?




Shinji finished making his mound and continued walking off into the horizon.


To prevent himself from losing track of his EVA, he'd devised a rather clever system: he'd create a large heap of miscellaneous materials, ensuring that he could see the EVA from his location, and continue onwards. A little line drawn out from the mound would point towards either EVA or the last mound, ensuring that he kept going the same way.


Now, already, he could see a human-esque figure in the distance if he squinted. He walked towards it, dazed.

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"Wh..." Everyone in the room was generally horrified by this new development.


"Pattern Blue," Ritsuko whispered to her protégée under her breath. She nodded and began working on dismantling the weapon systems.


"Teleportation..." Makoto murmured, half awestruck, half terrified. "And so precise... didn't see that coming."


Asuka threw down her gun and sprinted away down the corridors. Ritsuko gave a cautionary "No, don't!", but the Second utterly ignored her.


"We need to contact the last member of our team," Misato offered. "Let them know we've been beaten. Let one of them do that... they can be unarmed."




Scratch that. There were three figures, all engaged in some sort of battle. They did seem mostly human, if oddly dressed, but it was obvious they channeled inhuman power.


Passive-aggressive disorder took its toll. Shinji raised his hands and walked towards them.

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--no final fantasy is when someone wants to just train by themselves to get stronger but in my case i gained too much power at one time and i'm about to overload

"No saruto get out of here AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" -Ryeden looks the same but he has immense power, he teleports behind saruto and hits him then saruto slices him with his sword quickly and ryeden goes back to normal- "Saruto thanks, i need that i just need to be able to control it can you help me?"

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Zero breathed a heavy sigh of relief and let the lady go, stowing his O-Buster away and stepping away with his hands raised to sholder height, showing that he meant no harm. "I am truly sorry about having done that, but if you had attacked Gorea, that would have been the end of everything." Zero still couldn't believe it. he knew that Gorea was dead, and yet it hovered ominously above them all. was it really asleep, or was it merely imprisoned, waiting for a large enough blast to jostle it free so that it could continue to wreak havoc wherever it roamed?

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The message was horrible.


"Shinji? It's us. NERV has been conquered — there's some Angel-esque monster here, it teleported in past our defenses. It might have been from that world... Anyway, again, NERV has fallen. Try and get back here, 'k? You should be able to make it back if you use EVA to burrow into the ground..."


Shinji replayed it once, then twice, then understood exactly what Misato wanted.


He walked over to the entry plug.




"Disarmaments are almost complete," Maya called to Misato and Zero, before turning to her adored senpai. "Should I...?"


Ritsuko, several rooms above them, nodded gravely so Maya could see. "Remote activate the pacifier," she whispered to Makoto, deciding to use some code words in case Zero could eavesdrop. "And make sure it gets back here in working order."


"This could take a while," the young brunette called before climbing back up the several flights of stairs necessary to join her compatriots.

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Zero heard what was said, but couldn't completely understand. all he knew was that it sounded like they were planning on trying to capture Gorea. "Sorry, but if you are trying to capture Gorea, i cannot allow that." Zero immediately transes above N.E.R.V. HQ and grabs a hold of Gorea. as he had feared, the blasted thing was awake. Zero had activated the transceiver in his helmet and said, "Samus, You and Teknus need to get over here now. we have a major situation here. oh, and bring those 'artifacts' that i gave you earlier, okay?

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