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Chaos Zeros rp [Advanced] -PG 13- [accepting/Started]


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Hogosha reaches byakuya and thrusts the blade into him, the blade phasing through him and causing electricity to course through him. Zero then takes the blade and turns it, causing the element to change to flame and jumping skyward with the blade horizontal to the ground and tilted at an angle. "Dragon Slash!"

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"Hey, ryeden was boring me, that's why i chose another foe." Zero yelled as he turned his sabers around so that they were both facing downward and merged together to form a single sword of spiraling violet and emerald energies. Zero then slams into the ground, thrusting his blade into the ground and causing a shockwave to run through it, knocking everyone off of their feet that are on the ground.

At that very moment, Samus leaps into the air, firing her jet mounted boots to keep her airborne as she locks onto Zak, byakuya and ryeden, charing her seeker missles and then firing a charged power beam shot, turning the seeker missiles into mega missile that seek out their targets until they hit them.

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"Now it's time to end this... Personally! Bankai! Scatter Senbonzakura." Byakuya's zanpaktou, Senbonzakura was dropped to the floor as it passed threw the ground. Two rows of giant blades rise up from the ground. These then scatter into millions of tiny blades. The number of blades is great enough that Byakuya can use them for defense and offense at the same time. He commonly forms them into large masses of blades to crush opponents. Final Scene. This condenses every one of his blades into a single sword, drastically increasing its cutting power. And last but not least... White Imperial Sword. The blade appears bright white and its aura takes the form of a bird, as for Byakuya also grows pure white wings and a halo-like circle in the back, both made of spiritual power. Byakuya flies to Samus and strikes simutaneously at her and Ryeden, causing a large amount of damage to both of them.

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"Hey, thats a bit too mich dont you think!" Zak yelled at Byakuya. "Ive got to help them." He jumps in frong of the attack. He wrote the kanji for 'Madoka' with his finger. fireballs were thrown in front of him, a shield connected the fireball's & it blocked the attack. "Dont you know the differance between a spar & a death mach?"

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Zero sees Byakuya striking out and acts without thinking. "Wind style, Ninja mode!" Zeros armor turns black and a mask coves his the lower part of his face, his gold-blond hair turning a bright white blond and his merged sword separating into 2 kunai the size of a long knife or short sword. Moving with unrivaled speed, Zero runs in front Byakuya and and blocks the white emperor sword with one kunai and stabs him with the other as he parries the white emperor sword, then slices at byakuya with speeds of approximately one million slashes a second, blasting him at the other wall with the last strike. damn, i hope that didn't hurt him to badly.


-this is Zeros rarely seen god speed form. this makes him into the fastest person alive, with speeds that no one can match. i can't have him in it for to long though, as that would be godmodding most unfair to everyone else. XD


---damn. you guys posted before i could finish posting?! now what do i do? XC

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"Well yes, but at least you stopped setsuna when it was starting to burn Samus, so it's not as bad."

"Speak for yourself." Samus was clearly annoyed that setsuna had been summoned, although it was clear that she was pleased as well, since there was only so much that she could do with the light beam and sunburst. "Your lucky that my power suits systems hadn't been fried. if they had been, that would have meant a complete overhaul, and that would have made me very angry." As she says this, Samus raises her left hand and slams the palm of it across Zaks face.

"The...Legendary Left!!!" Zero knew that he didn't have to ask whether or not Zak was okay. he could see that the force of the slap had sent Zak flying into the wall and would most definitely have caused some damage to his face. i am most definitely not getting in the middle of this one. sorry Zak, but your on your own.


--just go with it visser. don't get all violent though. XD

oh, and btw. italicized = thought process. "quotation marks italicized" = telepathy. just though you should know that.

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"actually, it's just the fact that you almost fried my power suit. Other then that, i really don't have any problems with you."

At that moment Teknus came walking out with a bunch of basketball sized yellow looking orbs with diamond shaped multicolored objects circling around them, eight for each. "Sorry about taking so long, i had decided to make some octoliths to go with the energy transfer modules, just in case."

Zero and Samus both hear what Teknus says and raise their eybrows in slight confusion, but decide not to ask.

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"You just thought something flippant didn't you?" said Samus no even more irritated at the thought that he might do that. she didn't know whether he did or not, but she wasn't gong to say anything that might make him think that she couldn't mind read, since she wanted to torutre him a bit.

"Yes, they are. I also created Octoliths for each one. originally, this wouldn't have taken as long, but i needed to look up the necessary information first. you wouldn't believe how tight the security is around the files of the...what do you call them? Alimbians, right? anyway, the created something on the planet Alinos in the alimbic cluster that octoliths are needed for. fortunately, it is one of the planetary bases connected to the Aether teleportation system. also, in addition to no longer being susceptible to possession by the Ing, we can now freely use the Luminoth teleportation system whenever we wish. This would have been a bit of an issue before, since it is heavily reliant on Light based tech, and would thus have been all but impossible for us to use it before." Teknus understood all of this, but he didn't know if everyone else understood as well.

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