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Eevee cave| [Advanced] | Started/Accepting |

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[align=center][spoiler=Intro (kinda long)]

you’re taking a walk in the forest near your house and you find a strange cave. You turn on your flashlight and walk into the cave. When you go inside a giant rock closes the opening behind you. You decide to keep walking. After you crawl through a small opening you find a giant cavern. There’s thousands of eevee sized holes in the walls. You see a couple of eevees sleeping in the holes. You see 21 different tunnels leading of to different rooms. You walk down one of the tunnels but you can’t get very close because it’s extremely hot. You peer inside and see a room perfect for a flareon, but the room is empty. You walk down the next tunnel and see a giant underground lake perfect for a vaporeon, but again empty. You walk down the next tunnel but then you realize you’re walking on all fours. You start freaking out but you still keep on going. You get to a very stormy room. You see thunder and lightning strikes, but no rain. You realize this must be the jolteon room. You walk down the next cave to see a room perfect for an espeon. (I can’t think of something an espeon would like) You walk down the next tunnel and see another room. Its pitch black, but you see a couple glowing rings. You shine your flashlight at the rings and you see an umbreon. You run away as fast as you can away from the room because the umbreon notices you and uses dark pulse. As you catch your breath you walk through the next tunnel. As you get closer everything starts getting colder. You walk up and see a room full of glaciers and snow. You realize that this is the glacion room. You walk down the next tunnel and come to a beautiful luscious forest. You think that this would be the perfect place for a leafeon. You walk to the next room but it’s just giant and empty with a giant table and thousands of eevee, vaporeon, flareon, jolteon, espeon, umbreon, glacion, and leafeon sized chairs. You walk into the next room but there’s a big locked door. On the door it says in big letters “ART ROOM.” You start walking into the next room when you see the umbreon again. He shows you yourself in a broken shard of a mirror and you realize you look like an eevee. He says “Now that your one of us, do you want to join…”




Welcome to the Eevee cave, I am your new leader, but you can just call me Demitri. Over the next few years, I will be training you, and teaching you in the ways of the eevee. Why am i doing this you might ask. I am creating an army. This is because i sence great danger coming.




All normal YCM rules apply



[spoiler=Application Form]


Eevee name:

Favorite Eevee evolution:

Favorite type of Pokèmon:





Username: Bakudude

Eevee name: Demitri

Favorite Eevee evolution: Umbreon

Favorite type of Pokèmon: Fire

Personality: Demitri is the original leader of the Eevee cave, he enjoys being around people but, he hates to get startled. he is very nice to n00bs and people who need help.




1 ) (Bakudude) Demitri - Eeveon

2 ) (Kazekage-------Gaara) Aether - Eevee

3 ) (Vampire Warlord) Sean - Eevee

4 ) (~WULF~) Willard - Eevee

5 ) (?The-Riddler?) Valik - Eevee

6 ) (Zack Fair) TJ - Eevee

7 ) (Spartan919) Sky - Eevee

8 ) (ProtoMachineKing) Futo - Eevee

9 ) (WhiteWind) Karaiga - Eevee

10 )







[spoiler=Eevee Types (Some Fake)]



(if you can't read, it says (from left to right) Eevee, Flareon, Espeon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Umbreon, Glaceon, Leafeon, Eeveon, Kazeon, Terreon, Litheon, Cicadeon, Asbesteon, Mercureon, Kocheon, Obliveon, Beryleon)



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Guest Tainted Black

Username: Kazekage-------Gaara

Eevee name: Aether

Favorite Eevee evolution: Leafeon.

Favorite type of Pokèmon: Dragon

Personality: Prank loving, and overall nice.

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Ooc: THANK YOU!!!!! now, we start. (oh yeah, i forgot to mention. the 21st tunnel is a stone mine (Leaf stones, Fire stones, Water stones, Ect.)) (oh yeah, your both accepted)


Ic:Demitri wakes up and notices that there are a lot more eevees suddenly. he walks over to them and says "hey, i was lannig o going into the mine, anyone wanna join?"

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