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Sleep Counters Set - Morpheus Dream


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Dylan, the Night-walker


Level 4



This card can attack if there is 1 Sleep Counter on it. As long as there is 1 Sleep Counter on this card, increase this card's ATK by 500.


Minor Nightmare


Level 6



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set except by Tributing 1 monster with 1 Sleep Counter on it. This card can only attack a monster with 1 Sleep Counter on it.


Greater Nightmare


Level 8



1 Tuner + 1 or more DARK non-tuner monster(s)

When this card is Synchro Summoned successfully, put 1 Sleep Counter on every monster you control. This card cannot be destroyed by battle.This card can only attack a monster with no Sleep Counters on it. When this card attacks a monster your opponent controls, if this card's ATK is less than the attacked monster's ATK, put 1 Sleep Counter on the attacked monster (A monster with a Sleep Counter on it cannot attack and/or change its Battle Position, a monster may have only 1 Sleep Counter on it).




Level 2



When this card battles a monster with 1 Sleep Counter on it, destroy that monster at the end of the turn (damage calculation is applied normally).


Insomnia Lord


Level 8



When this card is Summoned, remove all Sleep Counters on the field. This card's ATK and DEF become both equals to the number of Sleep Counter removed this way x400. As long as this card has 1 Sleep Counter on it, halve this card's ATK and DEF. Once per turn you can put 1 Sleep Counter on this card, if you do that, this card can attack your opponent directly this turn.


Sleeping Spores Spreader


Level 3



1 tuner + 1 or more non-tuner monster(s)

Once per turn, you can put 1 Sleep Counter on this card and 1 Sleep Counter on 1 monster your opponent controls (A monster with a Sleep Counter on it cannot attack and/or change its Battle Position, a monster may have only 1 Sleep Counter on it).


Servant of the Insomnia Lord


Level 1



Once per turn you can Tribute this card face-up on your side of the field, if you do that, put 1 Sleep Counter on a monster your opponent controls (A monster with a Sleep Counter on it cannot attack and/or change its Battle Position, a monster may have only 1 Sleep Counter on it).


Sleeping Beauty


Level 2



If this card is used for a Synchro Summon, you can put 1 Sleep Counter on a monster your opponent controls (A monster with a Sleep Counter on it cannot attack and/or change its Battle Position, a monster may have only 1 Sleep Counter on it).


Great Puppeteer - Morpheus


Level 10



This card cannot be Normal or Special Summoned. This card can only be Set by Tributing 3 monsters you control with 1 Sleep Counter on them. When this card is Flip Summoned successfully, remove all Sleep Counters on the field. Once per turn you can put 1 Sleep Counter on 1 monster on the field (A monster with a Sleep Counter on it cannot attack and/or change its Battle Position, a monster may have only 1 Sleep Counter on it). During your Stanby Phase increase this card's ATK by the number of Sleep Counter on the field x500 (max 6000).


Drowsing Touch

[Normal Spell]

Select up to 2 monster your opponent controls. During your 2nd Standby Phase from the activation of this card, put 1 Sleep Counter on the selected monster(s) (A monster with a Sleep Counter on it cannot attack and/or change its Battle Position, a monster may have only 1 Sleep Counter on it).


Sleeping Spores - Mass Attack

[Normal Spell]

Pay 1000 Life Points. Put 1 Sleep Counter on each monster face-up on the field (A monster with a Sleep Counter on it cannot attack and/or change its Battle Position, a monster may have only 1 Sleep Counter on it).


Sleeping Pill


Activate only during either player's Standby Phase. Put 1 Sleep Counter on 1 monster your opponent controls (A monster with a Sleep Counter on it cannot attack and/or change its Battle Position, a monster may have only 1 Sleep Counter on it). Your opponent draws 1 card.



[Continuous Spell]

The turn player can pay 500 Life Points to select 1 monster on their side of the field with 1 Sleep Counter on it. The selected monster can attack during that player's Battle Phase.


Morpheus Dream

[Field Spell]

During either player's End Phase, the turn player gains 100 Life Points for each Sleep Counter on their side of the field.


Body Benefit

[Normal Trap]

Activate this card when your opponent declares an attack to a monster you control with 1 Sleep Counter on it. Remove 1 Sleep Counter from the attacked monster and increase that card's ATK by that card's original DEF.


Mind Benefit

[Normal Trap]

Activate this card when your opponent declares an attack to a monster you control with 1 Sleep Counter on it. Remove all Sleep Counters on the field. You gain 100 Life Points for each Sleep Counter removed this way.



[Normal Trap]

Destroy 1 monster your opponent controls with 1 Sleep Counter on it.


Protecting Sleep

[Normal Trap]

Select 1 monster you control with 1 Sleep Counter on it. The selected monster cannot be destroyed by battle until the end of the turn and all Battle Damage that comes from a battle involving the selected monster become 0.


Mist of the Asleep

[Normal Trap]

When your opponent declares an attack, put 1 Sleep Counter on every monster you control, negate your opponent's attack and end his/hers Battle Phase (A monster with a Sleep Counter on it cannot attack and/or change its Battle Position, a monster may have only 1 Sleep Counter on it). Draw 1 card.


A I'll have new ideas, I'll do more. Now comment effects and OCG, please :P

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A very interesting archetype, I can this being used in the anime :D


What makes it funny is this Ad right under your post:

Trouble sleeping?

Beat Sleeplessness Now. Get the Deep Restful Sleep you need


Anyway, nice job, some OCG could be fixed (ex. Servant of the Insomnia Lord) but it looks solid.


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