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First Pokemon Splices


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Guest JoshIcy

Ok' date=' thanks I'm going to re-make him now, also I'm going to try to start posting my own Pokemon here so they will be a little crappy at first coz I'm downloading photoshop off a torrent and I'm completly new to it >\\<



You use Microsoft Paint for Spriting and "splicing". Not photoshop...

Photoshop alters things at a "subpixel" level. You want a small pallete. So stick to MSPaint if you're serious about spriting.


Lol, no. Professionals all use Photoshop or similar for spriting, it's just that at a lower level and when working on smaller sprites MSPaint is quicker.


Photoshop no... But I have seen many professionals use something else.

Never found the name. And this one is designed for sprites, as you can animate and adjust as you work...

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Loll, yeah I know, I meant for actually drawing, scanning in a picture and colouring. But yeah I am serious about spriting, I need a tut for spriting so I'm currently looking, splicing I'll try Ctrl+drag to. Thanks much.



Name needs to be given

Spliced with





What I have done to this Splice

Literally re-created an Evee Evolution,

Started with the body of Espeon,

Dragged on the head of Marowak (Maybe needs to be resized and connected a little better?

Given Onix's tail, cropped, Rotated, flipped Vertically Star tooled on,

Spent like 30 minute adding Onix and Steelix's texture and cracks to this splice

Improvments to be made


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Ok' date=' thanks I'm going to re-make him now, also I'm going to try to start posting my own Pokemon here so they will be a little crappy at first coz I'm downloading photoshop off a torrent and I'm completly new to it >\\<



You use Microsoft Paint for Spriting and "splicing". Not photoshop...

Photoshop alters things at a "subpixel" level. You want a small pallete. So stick to MSPaint if you're serious about spriting.


Lol, no. Professionals all use Photoshop or similar for spriting, it's just that at a lower level and when working on smaller sprites MSPaint is quicker.


Photoshop no... But I have seen many professionals use something else.

Never found the name. And this one is designed for sprites, as you can animate and adjust as you work...


From what I've seen in search results, professionals are split Photoshop-GraphicsGale about 75-25. =\

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Ok' date=' thanks I'm going to re-make him now, also I'm going to try to start posting my own Pokemon here so they will be a little crappy at first coz I'm downloading photoshop off a torrent and I'm completly new to it >\\<



You use Microsoft Paint for Spriting and "splicing". Not photoshop...

Photoshop alters things at a "subpixel" level. You want a small pallete. So stick to MSPaint if you're serious about spriting.


Lol, no. Professionals all use Photoshop or similar for spriting, it's just that at a lower level and when working on smaller sprites MSPaint is quicker.


Photoshop no... But I have seen many professionals use something else.

Never found the name. And this one is designed for sprites, as you can animate and adjust as you work...


From what I've seen in search results, professionals are split Photoshop-GraphicsGale about 75-25. =\


This is pokemon.

1. Who here is professional?

2. MS Paint is the simpler/faster (to an extent) program to use.

3. These are pokemon sprites, the average pokemon has 4 shades on a palette, so your fancy photoshop doesn't have much of an advantage there.

4. Official pokemon sprite quality can be achived and surpassed on MS paint. I don't see the need to use any other program.


In terms of spriting pokemon, MSpaint>photoshop. Use it.


As fir the sprites, everbody has been saying save as PNG, so I won't repeat it, however I refuse to rate JPG sprites.

I do see a lot of promise in your sprites however, so keep working on them.

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Ok' date=' thanks I'm going to re-make him now, also I'm going to try to start posting my own Pokemon here so they will be a little crappy at first coz I'm downloading photoshop off a torrent and I'm completly new to it >\\<



You use Microsoft Paint for Spriting and "splicing". Not photoshop...

Photoshop alters things at a "subpixel" level. You want a small pallete. So stick to MSPaint if you're serious about spriting.


Lol, no. Professionals all use Photoshop or similar for spriting, it's just that at a lower level and when working on smaller sprites MSPaint is quicker.


Photoshop no... But I have seen many professionals use something else.

Never found the name. And this one is designed for sprites, as you can animate and adjust as you work...


From what I've seen in search results, professionals are split Photoshop-GraphicsGale about 75-25. =\


This is pokemon.

1. Who here is professional?

2. MS Paint is the simpler/faster (to an extent) program to use.

3. These are pokemon sprites, the average pokemon has 4 shades on a palette, so your fancy photoshop doesn't have much of an advantage there.

4. Official pokemon sprite quality can be achived and surpassed on MS paint. I don't see the need to use any other program.


In terms of spriting pokemon, MSpaint>photoshop. Use it.


As fir the sprites, everbody has been saying save as PNG, so I won't repeat it, however I refuse to rate JPG sprites.

I do see a lot of promise in your sprites however, so keep working on them.


1. Probably no-one. Does that make a difference?

2. I'm not disagreeing with you here.

3. And? Even if it doesn't have a massive advantage in that area, that doesn't mean that it's not better overall.

4. Same to photoshop.


The bold is stupid.

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1. Probably no-one. Does that make a difference?

2. I'm not disagreeing with you here.

3. And? Even if it doesn't have a massive advantage in that area, that doesn't mean that it's not better overall.

4. Same to photoshop.


The bold is stupid.


1. You said professionals use photoshop and blahblahblah.

3. Overall, no. Pokemon spriting, yes.

4. Ugh, my comment made no sense whatsoever on this one, however you you would have worked in the fact that MSpaint is faster and easier (which you agreed too), and it can still achive the official quality, why would you use the longer/more complicated (by default) program?


If you would have bolded the entire sentence, it wouldn't have been stupid. If you wish to continue this generally pointless discussion, don't do it in this thread.

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1. Probably no-one. Does that make a difference?

2. I'm not disagreeing with you here.

3. And? Even if it doesn't have a massive advantage in that area' date=' that doesn't mean that it's not better overall.

4. Same to photoshop.


The bold is stupid. [/quote']


1. You said professionals use photoshop and blahblahblah.

3. Overall, no. Pokemon spriting, yes.

4. Ugh, my comment made no sense whatsoever on this one, however you you would have worked in the fact that MSpaint is faster and easier (which you agreed too), and it can still achive the official quality, why would you use the longer/more complicated (by default) program?


If you would have bolded the entire sentence, it wouldn't have been stupid. If you wish to continue this generally pointless discussion, don't do it in this thread.


1. I was giving a statistical response to Icy.

3. Why?

4. Official Pokemon sprite quality can be achieved and surpassed on Photoshop. I don't see the need to use an inferior and worse-equipped program if a more powerful and better suited one is available.


"In terms of spriting pokemon, MSpaint>photoshop. Use it."

There. It's still stupid. This is a pointless discussion because you are completely wrong and are misleading amateurs.

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