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Who's That Digimon??? + 1 Rep for right answer!

Pokemon Lord

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Nope! Here's the OUTBREAK 4th CLUE.............

You'll need to watch this word Carefully so you will know

FINAL & SPECIAL CLUE #4! You can find me in Proxy Island with WaruSeadramon, Spinomon, and my Boss, GRANDRACMON!

Since this one the last clue, if you can't answer it in 36 hours, I'll go again......

Thats the new rule.


If there's no one answers correctly after the final clue is given ( during 36 hours time ) The maker of the clue goes again


Oyeah heres +1 rep for you


Anyone else wanna give a try?

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No, I don't mean in the sense of evolution, I'm talking about how it was actually made.


Lol, I wouldn't stand a chance against 3 Milleniummons. It took me forever to kill ZeedMillenummon in the Gaia Origin Quest, and I still can't beat Gallantmon Crimson Mode.

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2. Devimon put a Black Gear in me during Digimon Adventure


And to answer your challenge:



My Digimon are: Dianamon (I prefer to call her Artemismon), BantyoLemon (Took me forever to get) and Jijimon (which is surprisingly very weak)

Relief Digimon: Mamemon :D, ShineGreymon, and VenomMyotismon

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