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Who's That Digimon??? + 1 Rep for right answer!

Pokemon Lord

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Hmmmhhh.. a digimon with a tail like an island and Has a Metal Form... I don't really have the thing to think.... heheh.....



OOPPPSSS..... Sorry.... I'll have to add 1 last rule just to make sure nobody is lying!

Once a person calls the answer correctly, the question maker must add the solution about their clue ( ex.: For Machinedramon;

Clue : I have 2 cannons*

* means you have to prove the clue ( ex. like Machinedramon have 2 cannons ) or something like that) So no one is cheating! ^_^

Okay here it comes!

1. I have a Metal Form


whoever solves gets a 1+ Rep


Woww.... really???

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