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Who's That Digimon??? + 1 Rep for right answer!

Pokemon Lord

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Yep Tsumemon does exist like a claw.... here. It's the pic... Tsumemon.gif

Still no though

1. If you think I'm weak, wait till I DV

2. I am formed like an animal but just a part of a body

3. I dv to a bird.

Anyways..... if anyone guesses correctly before I give the 4th clue, I'll give you an extra 20 points and +4 rep... but if still 4+ clue is given prize will be still +3 rep only! So hurry up and get the bonus!

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Is it Chicchimon?


Finally someone Gets It!

1. If you think I'm weak, wait till I DV ( In Training )

2. I am formed like an animal but just a part of a body ( Only Head and wing )

3. I dv to a bird. ( Diatrymon )

4. Getting me is the hardest one in DMW Dusk/Dawn! ( Defeat ChronomonHM, linked once )

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