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Which one is your favorite movie??


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Whatever it is' date=' it en't Advent Children. Spirits Within was much better.


I'd say this creepy little thing:


Behold: The End of Evangelion. Those under 17 shouldn't watch.


...I am aware of the hypocrisy.


Spirits Within was more dramatic.


I like action better. (^_^)

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Odd how I hate every movie in this thread except End of EVA.

Meh. I prefer intelligent shows that properly cover their bases; coincidence-driven, unrealistic escapism; nostalgia-exploiting, mindless action; and nostalgia-exploiting, merchandising-based, tacked-on sequels really don't appeal much to me.



Nah, I'm exaggerating. Still, though, a huge amount of Transformers's and Advent Children's appeal was based on nostalgia; somehow, I think the same movies wouldn't be nearly as popular if their original franchises had never been created.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Clarkhopes,

There are many films i have seen . I like love stories.

My favorite movie is Titanic.

Titanic is great love story as well as great heroic movie related with the big ship.

That ship was built as that type of which never be sinking in the sea. However it was sink down. But the only heroin saved by her lover. this is great movie of Hollywood.

Thanks Have a nice Day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I actually really liked Godfather 3, tbqh. Sure, it's not as huge in scope as the other two, but that's not what it's meant to be. It's a conclusion, it shows the consequences for Micheal's actions, and in doing so it manages to be very poignant.


However, UP is my favorite movie. It made me cry in the first 10 beautiful minutes, then it followed it up with a thoroughly entertaining action story, great comedy and a heartwarming but also poignant and beautiful finish. Easily the best Pixar film and, in my opinion, a true classic in every sense of the word.

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2001: A Space Odyssey.


I spent 4 hours of my life watching that... mmm....


Whatever it is' date=' it en't Advent Children. Spirits Within was much better.


I'd say this creepy little thing:


Behold: The End of Evangelion. Those under 17 shouldn't watch.


...I am aware of the hypocrisy.


That's a good movie.

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