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Denryna - The Recycler Lord

EARTH / Level 8



This monster's attack and defence is equal to the amount of cards in your opponents graveyard x200. When this monster succesfully destroys an opponents monster, send the top card from their deck to the graveyard. When this card is destroyed, select one card in your opponents hand and send it to the graveyard.


Elros - The Recycler Magician

DARK / Level 3


ATK/500 DEF/800

When this card is succesfully Normal Summoned or Special Summoned, send an amount of cards from your opponents hand to their graveyard equal to the amount of face-up monster cards on your side of the field with "Recyler" in their name.


Gardon - The Recycler Paladin

LIGHT / Level 4


ATK/1400 DEF/0

If this card is destroyed while in face down defence-position, your opponent must send the top 2 cards of their deck to the graveyard.


Omon - The Recycler Shamen

DARK / Level 2



This card gains 300 DEF for each Spell Card in your opponent's graveyard. You may tribute this card with over 1500 DEF to have both you and your opponent draw 2 cards.


Emaqua - The Recycler Serpent

WATER / Level 4

[sea Serpernt/Effect]

ATK/1200 DEF/1800

When this card is summoned,you can add one card to your hand from your graveyard with "Recycler" in its name.


Noold - The Recycler Sprite

LIGHT / Level 1


ATK/150 DEF/100

When this card is destroyed as a result of battle, destroy the monster that battled with this card.


Dioress - The Recycler Servant

EARTH / Level 3



The controller of this card has to draw 3 cards during their standby phase. When this card is normal summoned, give control of it to your opponent. This card cannot be tributed for a tribute summon.


Oldquage - The Recycler Ancestor

EARTH / Level 8


ATK/3400 DEF/1800

This card is destroyed during the End Phase of the turn that it is summoned. If this card destroys an opponents monster, they have to send the top 4 cards from the top of their deck to the graveyard.


Taissmos - The Recycler Golem

EARTH / Level 3


ATK/250 DEF/300

If this card is destroyed by a card effect while in your hand, you and your opponent must discard your hand, and then draw 6 new cards.


Rilm - The Recycler Behemoth

WATER / Level 6


ATK/2200 DEF/1000

This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card can only be special summoned by the effect of Ocean's Song or Recycletron. When this card is successfully ritual summoned, your opponent must draw 2 cards during their draw phase.


Urnen - The Recycler Beetle

EARTH / Level 1


ATK/800 DEF/0

When this card is destroyed, add one card with "Recycler" in its name to your hand from your deck.


Dolryauqe - The Recycler King

LIGHT / Level 8


ATK/3500 DEF/900

Denryna - The Recycling Lord + Oldquage - The Recycling Ancestor

This card can only be summoned by the effect of Recycling Fusion or Recycletron. When this card is destroyed, pay 2000 Life Points to send the top 6 cards of your opponents deck to the graveyard.


Junk Kingdom

SPELL / Field

All monsters on the field with "Recycler" in their name gain 300 ATK. If you have 5 or more cards in your graveyard with "Recycler" in their name, you can special summon one level 8 or lower "Recycler" monster from your hand.


Wave of Garbage


If you have 3 or more cards in your hand with "Recycler" in their name, destroy one face up monster card on your opponents side of the field.



SPELL / Continous

Remove one "Recycler" monster in your deck from play. During the 3rd Standby Phase after this card's activation, Special Summon the monster to your side of the field.


Recycler Playing Field

SPELL / Continous

Your opponent must send the top card of their deck to the graveyard to declare an attack.


Recyclers Graveyard


Select one card in your graveyard with "Recycler" in its name and special summon it.


Recycling Fusion


Select 2 or more fusion material monsters from your hand our your side of the field and remove them from play.


Oceans Song


This card is used to summon Rilm - The Recycler Behemoth. To activate this card, you need to pay 1200 life points.


Recyclers Trap

TRAP / Continous

Your opponent must discard a card from their hand to declare an attack.


Recyclers Revenge


When your opponent Normal Summons a monster, pay 1000 lifepoints. Your opponent has to discard 2 cards from their hand.


Recycler Capture

TRAP / Continous

Activate this card only if you control a face-up "Recycler" monster. When your opponent special summons a monster, take control of it.


Mystery Roll


Activate when a monster is destroyed. Roll a dice. If the result is 1-3, special summon the monster to your side of the field, If the result is 4-6, remove the destroyed monster from play.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Elros is too powerful

Dioress looks too much like a card that can be abused

I'd make Tasimoss' effect that when destroyed in hand by an OPPONENT card effect =. Both drw a new hand otherwise you'll get allot of people using dark world dealings to gain new hands


Recyclers trap and recyclers revenge are both way too powerful


I'd also take a look at the text because it isn't all proffessional.

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