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New Drawing Lineart


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You haven't made anything original in awhile. D:


Regardless' date=' great lineart is great. ;)


whats unoriginal about this?

sure, its based on a game, but it doesnt look anything like the actual game creatures.... xD






here is my latest drawing.

ive only done the lineart' date=' but i plan to shade it later, probably during school xD

[b']its a darkspawn from the game dragon age: origins sucking the life from a soldier.[/b]

tell me what u think :D

i also might use it for a card pic, like soul drain or something :D



That is why.


Regardless, it's great.

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awesome lineart = awesome colored card image


The guy in the lower left corner is just plain bad re-do him. The other guy on the other hand is quite decent' date=' but the lower half of his right hand is way too short.



would it kill ya to say plz? ;D


It would blow up the universe.

ah, i see the problem then...


Nick' date=' do you use a stylus when painting?

I would like to start kinda what you do so i was just wondering :D


yes i do, i draw a rough outline in light blue, very sketchy-like, then create a new layer and go over in black, using cleaner lines. i make the old layer very light so u can see it just enough to trace.

thx :D

I asked my mom, im gettin one for christmas :D

do yuo have any suggestions?

for a drawing pad?

yes, if u have a strict price, then do the wacom bamboo fun pad (small)

thats the one i use, its $100 but you get photoshop elements and some other programs, and the wireless mouse.

im afraid i dont know exactly where i bought it, but it was online, and i only paid 100 xD

try best buy, or just google it :D


You haven't made anything original in awhile. D:


Regardless' date=' great lineart is great. ;)


whats unoriginal about this?

sure, its based on a game, but it doesnt look anything like the actual game creatures.... xD



That is why.


Regardless, it's great.

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