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Star Child

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The days have passed and now it's dark. Nightfall is upon us and descruction will be, soon enough. Through no reason that we are able to explain, the nights turn us into savages; we are more blood thirsty than the tirstiest vampires, stronger than the strongest werewolfs, wiser than the owls of our times, and have as little control over ourselves as possible...


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Username: Star Child

RP Name: Star Child

Appearance: http://th08.deviantart.net/fs9/300W/i/2006/013/0/9/Star_Child_by_joulee.jpg

Personality: The quiet genious.

Bio: He was sent from an unkown place, nobody's sure from where, but some believe that he is the messiah they've been waiting for. He has said that the stars have guided him, and accepted the name "Star Child" that was bestowed upon him, though his real name is Raijou Buzuntabek. He is from a clan named the Chinohides. Even though he's not from Earth, the darkness of night still effects him just as bad.

Other: If lost, he can use the stars to guide him to any place that he can think of. Constillations can be named and pointed out by heart, as well as his home planet, its moons, galaxy, and all planets near it, though scientists haven't discovered this place yet. He can also tell any given person's weight and age.


Star Child - Raijou "Star Child" Buzuntabek - Quiet Genious - Star Reading, age and wieght 'seeing'

Lord JZ of the Enigma - The Enigma - Dark, Foreboding, and Spiteful

Dark Necro - Necro - Cold-Hearted, Evil, Ruthless, and Quiet

Christian Exodia - Alex Ryder - Quiet, Swift, and Deadly - Mind Reading

fategazer - Xyn - Wise and Foreboding

Dark Necro(2nd character) - Iroha - Quiet and Kind-Hearted - Devil Misstress Transformation, Improved Reflexes

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Username: Dark Necro

RP Name: Necro

Appearance(Pic or description):DarkWarrior.jpg

Personality(not optional): Cold-Hearted, Evil, Ruthless, Quiet

Bio(optional): A dark evil man at day and night time. He kills for lust of blood and power. He cares for nobody and how they feel. He has a cold heart yet still wants to know his past.

Other: When having blood stains on his sword, his sword changes it's appearance as it blends with the shadows, making it invinsible at night time but visible in the day light. He uses the shadows when he blends with them making him invinsible as well to the naked eye but in daylight he changes from black to white.

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Username: Christian Exodia

RP Name: Alex Ryder

Appearance: Later

Personality: The Quiet, Swift, but Deadly

Bio: He has been a strange person from the start. Found as a child by recent Rehab parents, he was raised psycho, being quiet to not risk the temptation of going psycho. He can rarely speak, as secrets leak, & things happen. He is rare to be known.

Other: He has a tendancy to know secrets beforehand, or a Mind Reader.

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Ok, that works.


IC: The days go by, as soft and gentle as the one before. Then comes nightfall, and the destruction begins. "....." I sat in class all day, or it seemed. Being lectured on history, bored out of my mind with math, and the list goes on for about 9 hours out of my day. It's sad, I'm not even of this planet, yet I have to learn what my race created. I won't be 'skipped ahead', as I've heard said, because they want to treat me fairly. The people don't fear me, as I look just like them, but with a star around my eye. What would these people do if they saw the extent of my power? I let out a small sigh and looked up, noticing a few grammar issues that were to be corrected. I tore out a sheet of paper, "I don't see why I have to use this stuff", and wrote done the paragraph on the bored as is. I fixed it with a seperate paragraph, and added this sentence: 'The fire will burn eternally, and burn into the stars...'

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My life flashes on a daily basis, gunfights, hangings, attempted murder. But I can't speak to it. My Vocal Chords are dead in the day, I can only grunt & do things. At night, I stay the same, but can speak. My detective work though, is not stopped by this, como se dice, condition. My upside, is I can transmit what I want to say into anyone's mind.

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Necro's life goes on thru day and night. Gunshots, Murders here and there, Slicing people's heads off. Necro does not talk at all and hides himself during night time since he wear's all black. When night comes, the destruction of the Angel of Death commences and kills people who comes in his way. "Why do i live a life like this?" He asked hisself.

Necro looked at the sky as it darkneded and he set out on the roof top of his building and looked at the city he grew up in.

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@Exodia: 4-9 lines. Warning 1/3.





I looked up, "sir?"


"What is the meaning of this? You will see me afterclass, understood?"


I sat there, my fists clenching together, "what are you talking about? I'm sure that whatever you have to say, is suitable for the class."


"And now you're backtalking me!? That's it, to the principle with you, I'll let them know your coming." Mr. Sui walked over to the phone in the classroom, and dialed the extension number to the principles office.


I stood and walked out the door with dignity. When I was safely away from him I started speaking, "what's wrong with that guy? It's like he hates me or something. I guess that he just can't stand a different person..." I walked into the office, Mrs. June's office to be exact. "Ma'am, Mr. Sui sent me, apparently I was backtalking him."


"Yes, he told me about that, please, sit."


Me and Mrs. June discussed the incident, resulting in a week of detention.


Then, I lashed out, "what!? What did I do? You overgrown pig-of-a-louse!"


"Young man, that'll get you confinement, you know that it's highly disrespecful to disgrace your superiors in such a mannor."


"....." I stormed out of her office, "what happened back there? Earth is so stressful."

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Necro then looked at the sky as it was raining. "Raining at a time like this just adds up more to the completion." Necro then jumpes from building to building, finding a nice spot for a suitable kill. Necro spots the bank, "Should i rob it or just go on a killing spree like before?" This question had Necro hanging on a thread.

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