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Monopoly [Accepting] (Pot at 80 Points)

Cowboy Dan

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[spoiler=Contest]In this contest, you will make two cards in each round. I will tell you what cards to make in each round in Current Round. This contest is open to anybody. I will stop accepting members on the 30th of November, so you have plenty of time to enter. 3 members will 'go to jail' (be eliminated) each round. Have fun,








[spoiler=Entry Fee]

1-2 Stars: 3 Points

3-4 Stars: 8 Points

5-6 Stars: 12 Points

(All points will be added to pot)






[spoiler=Current Round][spoiler=[b]Round 1[/b]]

Round 1:

Make 1 WATER Synchro Monster and 1 WATER Tuner Monster, post them before the 26th of November.









[spoiler=Place Prizes]1st. Place:


3 Reps

Banner and Avi payed for by me









1. insonic

2. Shadow the Lugia

3. iHop

4. KuntryBoy (Need Points)

5. Twin Seed

6. sephiran1

7. Crystal-ice-mirrors

8. Красивая Ведьма

9. Stoopid1






[spoiler=Rules]1. Do not spam on my contest.

2. Be nice.

3. Dont complain if you don't win.

4. Absolutley no editing your cards after you submit them.








[spoiler=Why 'Monopoly'?]I called it Monopoly for no apparent reason, I just like the name.







[spoiler=Round Entries][spoiler=Round 1]


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Since you say to just post them, here are my 2:


160496c.jpg1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monster(s)

When this card is succesfully Synchro Summoned, you can discard 1 EARTH or WIND monster to destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card your opponent controls. If the destroyed card is an Equip Card, equip it to this card regardless of it's effect. The equipped card is destroyed during the 2nd End Phase of the turn it was equipped to this card. During your Battle Phase, you can remove from play 1 card from your Graveyard, to discard 1 Level 3 or lower monster from your hand. This card gains ATK equal to the discarded monster's DEF. If this card is destroyed by a card effect, you can increase your Life Points by 800.


160496z.jpgWhen this card is Special Summoned, decrease it's Level by 1. During your Main Phase, you can decrease this card's Level by 1 to decrease your opponent's Life Points by the amount of cards in your hand x100, and increase your Life Points by the same amount. During your Battle Phase, if this card was Flip Summoned, increase it's ATK by 400.

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Here are mine




When this card is Special Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower WATER monster from your hand. If this card is sent to the Graveyard for the Synchro Summon of a WATER monster, increase that monster's ATK by 200 and gain 1000 Life Points.





1 WATER Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

If this card is selected as an attack target, put one Deep Counter on this card. This card gains 600 ATK for each Deep Counter on it. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. During your opponent's Battle Phase, if this card is in face-up Attack Position, you can remove 1 WATER Monster in your Graveyard from play to have 1 Monster your opponent controls with more ATK than this card attack this card. If this card would be destroyed by a card effect, you can remove 2 Deep Counters from this card to negate that card's activation and destroy it.


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Once per turn, you may add any number of cards from your hand to the Deck and shuffle it. Then draw the same number of cards you added to the Deck.




[spoiler=Water Synchro]


Water Hatchling Dragon + 1 non-tuner WATER monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, you may add 1 WATER monster from your deck to your hand. Once per turn during your Main Phase, remove 1 WATER monster you control from play. Destroy cards on the field equal to or less than the LV of the WATER monster removed from play.



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