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GFXtras Team Logo

Kuro no Keiyakushu

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The purpose of Team GFXtras is to supply resources like renders, stocks, C4Ds, tuts, PSDs, and other graphics materials to fellow GFXers. Team's led by me, and the Co is JG.


If you would like to join this team, PM me this form:



Any PSDs you have:

Any tuts you've made:

Any renders you've made:

Any tags or large arts you've made:


If you're good enough, you can be a second Co. Good day I say![/align]

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Several problems with the logo:

- Never use solid #000000' date=' and #ffffff in a logo

- Having the name in the logo, unless it is a pure typography logo, is a bad idea. I know that is a giant G, but it's too obfuscated to look good in that style.

I suggest reading some tutorials on logo design.



It's black, black is cool, rap's from blacks, can't lack black.


Tuts? And how often do I make a logo. Took 10 minutes, 5 for idea, 5 for making. Like I tried.


But thanks anyway :B

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I am not saying black is a bad color, I am just saying tone it down, maybe to #191919, #1f1f1f, or something like that, the contrast between pure black and pure white is hard on the eyes. Also, if you ever intend to move the enterprise beyond internet design, pure black doesn't work well in print design.

In the end, I am saying the logo could do a better job of representing the company.

Also, if you want logo tutorials, go on The Design Cubicle (google it), there are some great ones (it's my favorite blog).

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