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The Official Ya Mum/Yo Momma Thread

General Assclown

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[align=center]Okay, so there's "Yo Momma" (I think) in America and "Ya Mum" in Australia. Either phrase will do in this game.


[spoiler=Teh Game. Yes, TEH Game]

Just insult the above user saying a "Ya Mum"/"Yo Momma" joke.

For example, "Ya Mum's so fat, she has her own orbit!"



- Don't take it seriously, they're just jokes.

- Try not to be too rude.

- All YCM Rules apply.

- If you were the last poster, don't post again because .... well .... you'll be insulting yourself xD

- No racist jokes (I've heard quite a few of them)

- If I feel your joke is too inappropriate, I'll ban you.

- If I feel this is getting too uncontrollable (the jokes get too personal/serious), I will have the thread locked IMMEDIATELY.

- Have fun and like I said before, THEY'RE JUST JOKES!


Any breaching of these rules will result in a ban.




[spoiler=Banned List]

Banned -






Perma-Banned -








If anyone feels that this thread is just wrong, feel free to PM me to discuss it. If someone reports this thread, at least talk to me first!

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