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Pick one!


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Ok. The rules of this game are simple.


Pick one of these three cups:



I will place them up side down and then shuffle them before someone picks a cup.

you will get 1 or 2+ reps when you win.


One at a time please!


No spaming or flaming!

No bad language,

Be responsible.


(orders for reps:

CeDeFiA 1+rep

~Oracle 2+rep

Charizard 1+rep

Halo Ring 1+rep

and jamesjr111 1+rep)

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jamesjr111 first.

*shuffles cups and opens the center*

Hey! why is there a egg in here. (sighs)

Hold on a second.

~Oracles turn

*shuffles the cups. opens the right. Shuffles them again and opens the left*

first one, sorry. but the second one, you've got it!

Since you payed me a amount of points, I'll give you 2+reps.

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