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Final Fantasy:Rise of Shinra[basic][pg-16 not started][accepting]


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[spoiler=plot] Cloud and his friends are dead,but they brung down shinra before they died now there rebuilding shinra with stronger soilder members better technology but cloud had a son,axel and he promised his dad he would destroy shrina for him so now axel and his friends must bring down shrina.




1.All RP rules

2.All YCM rules

3. No godmodding

4. have fun









AVALANCHE(Shinra resistance)or Shinra or evil:(if shinra what class 3rd,2nd,1st)


Equipment:(like a medical kit,bag,radio,air ship,etc.)

Bio:(not needed)

Crush:(not needed)

Special attack/abilities:(not needed)

companion(s)(only three people in a group)




[spoiler=My App]

Name:Axel Strife





personality:Courages,keeps his emoitions inside,never scared

AVALANCHE(Shinra resistance) or Shinra or evil:AVALANCHE

Weapon:cloud's sword(its silver i kno its black in the pic but its silver)



Equipment:Cloud's bike(fenrir)



Bio: axel was born secertly so shinra or anyone else would tried to hurt him,his mother was tifa both his parents died when he was 12, axel trained non stop for 5 years to avenge his family and their friends death's one day he found and carried all there bodies and barried them next to a guy named zack fair his father used to tell him all sorts of stories about him.

Crush: no one yet

Special Attack:attack-Omnislash-In the blink of an eye, 14 hits are dealt one after another….axel then leaps in the air bringing his sword down for the final attack.

abilitiy-jump-axel is able to jump high in the air

companion(s):no one yet



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Name: Dan




personality: Cheerful and helpful, but gets deadly when serious


[spoiler=Weapon: twin gunblades and a large rifle]

Like this one, just longer. The rifle is in the soul burst pic.



Equipment:bike like the fenrir

Bio:Lost his memoty of the past.


[spoiler=Special attack/abilities:]

Flashstep- extremely fast movement that allows to breifly disappear from view.

Moonstep- manipulates surfaces in the wind to 'jump' in the air

Blitz shot/strike- extremely fast attack

Flash cut- last cut that causes a slash shaped vacuum

elemental shots- obvious

[spoiler=soul burst]ups power and speed.



[spoiler=demonburst]ups power and speed more than soul burst.





companion(s): none yet



The burst are when he gets serious, not really big super power or anything.

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