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" hmm well Fog hasn't come back yet and know were under attack by this Dozar fellow, so i guess we should go see why. And their grttign board of their usual prey so... i guess so , but we need to let Bong know first. SO he can take the eggs to a save location." Josh said while he went over to confert Spike. Spike hated the word ' Stupid', it wasn't so much as he hated it.. but josh did. Josh was just as upset, [ it ok Spkie itdoesn't mater what any bodie thinks but us, Right.] SPpike just lowered his head to eye level with josh's the said [ I still wanted to do to him much worse than what May did] Josh started to laugh. "ok then tomarrow we'll leave but Jake you need to go tell bong to take the eggs some were safe."

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Bong just looked at the Raptor , and Squcked. THen Turned back to jake and asked [ were is Fog? he's not been here in two weeks. Im haveing to let the new hatchlings go my self ...and no new eggs are coming in.] Bong was realy longly with out Fog, and couldn't under staned that , jake didn't know.

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When all were out of the barn from in side a bright light shown. Then in a flash both the barn. house even the tree, were gone and Bong was standing their with the stone in hand. [ im going to start off know befor more people arrive...take care of Jake, May. Spike grow strong an help josh out. Vivi may the wind never out run you, and keep dans blades sharp.] as he said it he looked on with pride at the newer keepers.

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" help Josh out i will do no such thing" SPike said with a rumble. Josh didn't seam upset about the coment. Josh just looked at Bong and said " good luck too you my friend and watch out for Crocs in the swamp. Bong looked supprised that josh new were he was going. But then the dino jsut said his god byes to Dan and Vivi. then turnned and headed off.

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Spike answered for them { that is simple ... even I know the answer} Spike said while looking right at Jake. { we dont ... you cant find fog , becaues we dont know were he went}. Josh was Finished off by saying" we'll first deal with this Dozar characther ,then we will find Fog."

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