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Paleo [Now Accepting Via PM]


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" Ya their all getting bigger every timr they eat....and Fog is gone" Josh said with surprise at the last part. Josh was looking around to see it he could find some trace of Fog when he stubbled over to the table and found a note. Reading it out lound josh said " hello every one i've go to go get some supplys and your all needed their so i went alone. See ya in two days.


JOsh couldn't wornder about were fog was for long, becaues spike was at it again trying to get the other two to play with him by tacking the fish bag and running around with it. "man put that down!" josh raised his voice but it was no use Spike new that he wasn't made.

Spike just kept running with it.

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Spike just looked up at dan , then jumped over his sword and contonues on playing with the bag. " Well lets she how well they do out side to day" josh with a big grinne. Spike stoped in his tracks and ran twornds the door, bag in mouth,. Josh opened the door and stepped out side as Spike ran right in to the long grass...well long to spike. All that you could see of him was the sail on his back, but it would concle the other two babys ...if their partners let them go out side that is.

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Josh was walking over to the lake to put his feet in the water . Right when he got their he took off his shoes and shirt. "well might as well go for a dip" josh said.


Spike heared the sound of slashing. it was to irisitable to resist.Spike took off twords the sound , only to find that it was josh makeing the sound. Spike looked at the water with curiusly, and with incuragement from josh steped in. finding it to his likeing he started swimming. May and Vivi were shocked ,for their spices didn't swim well , but spike's was made for it. In the water he was faster, could hold his breath longer under water , and could catch all the little fish he wanted with out fear of theft.


At first Josh was woried about spike entering the water but after seeing Spike come up with fish... well this was an elemnt he was desined for. "come on Spike" josh said as he swam alonge the shore line about 5feet out , Spike followed catching fish all the while .

Then when Spike had his fill of fish, he suprised josh by going under the water bringing josh a small bass. " why thank you" Josh said not knowing what to do with the fish , josh tossed it back in the water an spike retrived it. this continued till the bass died. then spike found a new one. After 3 or so fish spike was finaly tired out, and just floated by josh for awhile.

occ< hey post soon their will be a jump in time about two weeks in the futer,your dinos will be at well...Spike 6ft

May at 4ft ANd Vivi at 3 ft. this jump will occur on 26th of nov.>

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"hay jake were is the closes city or town near here" josh asked not knowing if jake would answer he contiued" Becaues he's been gone a long tim you know." then josh truned to spike who had fallen asleep floating right be side him, with a grinn josh slowly sank under the water , Spike opened one eye lazaly, then was shocked when something grabed him from under the water and pulled him down. Spike was freaking out then saw it was josh that had him , so then spike retaliated against Josh by swiming around be hind his with such speed that josh couldn,t sto p him...Spike latched him-self to the seat of josh's pants. Josh jumped out of the water then landed with a splash. then contiued to try and catch spike. Spike was loveing this game

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