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2010 Golden Belt Tournament, Round 3 Starts


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Lore - This card is also treated as a Fairy-type monster. When this card is Summoned, it is treated as a Level 4 monster until your 2nd End Phase after this card's Summon. Once per turn, you can discard 1 card from your hand to Special Summon 1 monster with a lower level than this card from your hand or Graveyard.[/align]

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This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by returning a Synchro monster to its original deck. The Synchro loses 2 Levels. Once per turn, you can pay 500 Life Points to have this card gain 1 Level for every monster that was destroyed as a result of battle during your opponents last turn, until the end of your next turn.

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When either player activates a Trap Card, inflict 300 Damage to that player immidiatly after it resolves. If a Dragon-Type monster you control would be destroyed by a Spell or Trap Card effect, you can Tribute 1 Level 4 or lower non-Dragon-Type monster to negate the activation and effect of all Spell and Trap cards, until the End Phase.




Hope it works!

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Round 2 Card




Each time the controller of this card Special Summons a Level 4 or lower Dragon-Type monster, place 1 Dragonic Counter on this card (max.5). Once per turn, you can remove Dragonic Counters from this card to activate the effect equal to the amount of counters you removed:

1: Send 1 Dragon-Type monster you control to the Graveyard, destroy 1 card on the field.

3: Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster from your hand with 1500 ATK or less. You can then Special Summon 1 Tuner monster from your Graveyard.

5: Pay 1000 Life Points. Until the End Phase of this turn, all Dragon-Type monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effects or by battle and their original ATK becomes 2500. Destroy all monsters you control that were affected by this effect.

During the End Phase of either player's turn, if this card has no Dragonic Counters on it, it is destroyed.

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