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Revamped Destiny Board


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Seer of Destiny



You can discard this card to the Graveyard to add 1 "Destiny Board" card from your Deck to your hand.


Guard of Destiny



When this card is Normal or Flip Summoned, it is changed to Defense Position. When a card's effect is activated that has an effect to destroy a Spell or Trap Card(s) on the field is activated, you can Tribute this card to negate its activation and destroy the card.


Destiny Board "F"

Continuous Trap

At the end of each of your opponent's turns, place 1 "Phantom Message" card from your hand, Deck or Graveyard face-up on the field. If a "Phantom Message" cards or "Destiny Board" is destroyed, all your "Phantom Message" cards and "Destiny Board" on the field are sent to your Graveyard immediately.


Phantom Message "I"

Continuous Spell

This card can only be placed on the field by the effect of "Destiny Board F"". Your opponent can activate only 1 Spell/Trap Card each turn. During Each of your End Phases pay 200 Life Points or destroy this card.


Phantom Message "N"

Continuous Spell

This card can only be placed on the field by the effect of "Destiny Board F"" or it's own effect. Once per turn, you can remove this card from play. It is returned to the field during your 2nd End Phase after you activate this effect.


Phantom Message "A"

Continuous Spell

This card can only be placed on the field by the effect of "Destiny Board F"". When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, add 1 "Destiny Board" card in your Graveyard to your hand.


Phantom Message "L"

Continuous Spell

This card can only be placed on the field by the effect of "Destiny Board F"". While you control "Destiny Board "F"", "Phantom Message "I"", "Phantom Message "N"" and "Phantom Message "A"" , in addition to this card, you win the Duel.

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