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Alphabetical Order {Current Episode: Aduentus Marugonis} [mftv][accepting knights and non-knights]

Supreme Gamesmaster

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Huh. Interesting. Logic. How would one define Logic? I looked around the class, listening to each student's individual definition for the word. Eventually, however, I decided it was my turn to stand up and give my definition.


"Logic can be described in any number of ways. Logic is the standard term for things that quote-unquote 'make sense', or 'go without saying'. Of course, Logic can also be described as the set of 'rules' used in our thought process that basically defines the outcome of said thought process. For example, for someone who is fluent in Spanish and whose second language is English, when you say 'cat', their Logic could lead them to the result of thinking 'gato'. That is all, if any of that made sense."


I sat back down, waiting for the rest of the class to proceed, making my tiny impact. Meh. We'll see what happens as class goes on.


Though, deductive reasoning... sounds interesting.

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Huh. Interesting. Logic. How would one define Logic? I looked around the class, listening to each student's individual definition for the word. Eventually, however, I decided it was my turn to stand up and give my definition.


"Logic can be described in any number of ways. Logic is the standard term for things that quote-unquote 'make sense', or 'go without saying'. Of course, Logic can also be described as the set of 'rules' used in our thought process that basically defines the outcome of said thought process. For example, for someone who is fluent in Spanish and whose second language is English, when you say 'cat', their Logic could lead them to the result of thinking 'gato'. That is all, if any of that made sense."


I sat back down, waiting for the rest of the class to proceed, making my tiny impact. Meh. We'll see what happens as class goes on.


Though, deductive reasoning... sounds interesting.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster


XI Septembris MMVI

Objective: Cement relations with other members. Note the Marugo-zsche embryo.


An uneasy feeling had developed in Cairea over the last few days, and not just because of the jarring differences between Aphthiton Kleos and Coello. Even the fact that she was probably the most hated student at either school didn't faze her; that was her usual status. The common folk don't appreciate what I'm doing for them, she knew. How romantic.


It was a similar feeling to when she'd discovered her code word. That, however, chilled her to this day.


The ensigns were glowing brighter every day, though most wouldn't notice that. Cairea, naturally, was taking dozens of photographs of each emblem and compare them day-to-day with image editors. The glow was slowly, but surely, increasing.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

OoC: bump






Well, that was odd.


A great many students were congregated by the road outside Aphthiton Kleos, poring over some bizarre new spectacle. Cairea weaved her way through, thankful for her small stature and young age as usual, but it took her some time. The crowd was dense, and no one would tell her what had happened.


Finally, one girl answered her repeated question of "what's going on?" She explained, "Apparently a pipe burst or something. There's this weird, thick puke-type stuff all over the road, and it's making weird noises, too. No one can figure out what it..."


Cairea dashed back from photographing the glowing school emblem, muttered "thanks," and started moving through the crowd a lot more forcefully. Finally, she heard the noise the girl had mentioned — it was a loud, raspy, toneless




that sounded rather like someone whispering through a microphone.


Then, abruptly, it changed. Some people farther away jumped at the sound change, while the people further in didn't react nearly as much. Still in its whispering-into-a-microphone rasp, the odd sound went something like this.




The crowd was starting to disperse; school officials had begun shepherding them away. Cairea left voluntarily, before she had to properly follow orders.


[end: 07:38]

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"What the bloody..." I looked at the goopy liquid-solid-fluid stuff. It was emitting weird noises, and it almost sounded like a person, yet inhuman. The whole of the school was crowded around, observing the fluid goop. I must admit, I couldn't resist the allure of watching that stuff. And hey, if it made me late to math, then so be it. No big loss, am I right, Liberal Arts Majors?


That crud changed the sound abruptly, and I may or may not have jumped backwards in shock. The professors and such began to pull students away, trying to herd them into their classes. I wanted to observe it some more, and after sneaking away from one of the school officials returned to the scene. I got caught about three minutes later, as I was seen staring blankly into the fluid.


"You heard: get to class." Argh. Fine. Off to math I go. Man, I can't wait for Literature...

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Jess was sitting at Math class. In front of him was his manuscript for a romance novel he was writing, usually he flies through chapters but today the talking puke kept his mind distracted. "Whatever that thing was it couldn't be good news... Maybe it made Dilgear sick! That could be why he never showed up."


Always he emotional one, Jesse burst out sobbing. "Noo... Dilgear don't get sick, I can't stand being alone."


"You realize it might be something entirely different right? It my be harmless, anyway quit crying!" Jessica's voice echoed inside Jess's skull.


"But... but, my Dilgear!" Jess wailed.


Fortunately the math teacher turned out to be a complete moron and she didn't notice, nor did most of the classmates who already fell asleep.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster



The geometry teacher had a good sense of humor. She was later than most of the students in returning. There were a few jokes exchanged until she made a startling revelation.


"Now," she began, "the reason I started us off at such a lightning pace is that weird things tend to happen with distressing frequency early on in the year... though I have to say, this tops everything so far," she added. "I'll let you in on a little secret, not that it'll stay that way for long — no one in faculty has any idea what that thing is supposed to be yet.


"Well, you guys can talk about it for about half the class. I can't expect you to concentrate on work right away."


Cairea's mind reached its peak efficiency in moments.

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