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Alphabetical Order {Current Episode: Aduentus Marugonis} [mftv][accepting knights and non-knights]

Supreme Gamesmaster

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

OoC: Screw this, we're starting. Others can apply OoC.



IV Septembris MMVI

Objective: Socialize, create your teachers, establish school rules. Note the glowing ensigns.

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((I'm going to wing this and create my scenery))


Dilgear sighed appropriately. He was really uninterested in what was going on, but there was a mob of students talking to each other. He rolled his eyes, and continued reading his book. On a bench. The book was, "To Kill a Mockingbird". He'd read it before, but it was a classic, and he had nothing better to read.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

OoC: Well, that's the idea.




For the first time in three years, Cairea Cynebaraducanarth was actually glad to be going to school.

While Coello Middle was a horrendous cesspool of faith and "holiness," Aphthiton Kleos was, apparently, the exact opposite. Fortunately for her, regional law required that she be allowed to partially accelerate into tenth-grade advanced courses, given that a) she'd already skipped a grade, b) she scored high 4s on all her final exams the past year, and c) her parents would probably sue the district if she didn't accelerate.

She glanced at her schedule, looking for debate — er, English class. With students from all four years in attendance, surely there would be at least one other person with whom she could argue properly. Nothing was better than a good argument, after all.

Third period. Filed.

She hoped that the first half of her day would be enough to outweigh the hell that was the second half. Phys-ed with fundy loons... It's rather difficult to preach salvation if you're affiliated with that particular torture.

Aphthiton Kleos loomed ahead. The infinity symbol on the school flag still glowed. Cairea recalled her code word as she walked, now more apprehensive than excited, towards the enormous structure.

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OoC: I changed by second character's Law to Civics, so I'll assume he's accepted.


IC: Shinji arrived at Aphthiton Kleos, with its many students socializing in big groups in the courtyard in front of the school. Everyone was in a good mood this morning, which was a great contrast to the usual tiredness in the morning. Shinji enjoyed this change in atmosphere and was more cheery the usual. As he went to join his friends, he noticed something strange happening on the flag that flew over Aphthiton Kleos. Shinji rubbed his eyes and got a little closer. The infinity symbol on the centre of the flag seemed to glow an eerie scarlet. Shinji simply dismissed this and walked over to his friends.


OoC: SGM, will you be telling us the times so we don't get the classes all mixed up?

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OoC: So yeah I know I'm late and a newb but the name caught my eye...also I don't have any RP samples. X_x


Name: Joseph Allen.

Date of Birth: June 25th, 1990.

School: Aphthiton Kleos High School.

Gender: Male.

IQ: 126.

Favorite Gemstone: Amethyst.

Favorite Meal: 2 Vegetarian Cheese and Tomato Pizzas.


07:15-07:55: Algebra B.

08:00-08:40: Chemistry B.

08:45-09:25: Free.

09:30-10:10: Textiles C.

10:15-10:55: Information Technology B.

11:00-11:40: Art A.

11:45-12:25: World History and Geography C.

12:30-13:10: Literature A.

13:15-13:55: Physical Education C.

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OoC: Due to my "mistake" I told you about, I had to change my schedule a bit. I edited my App on page 1 to reflect this.


Scarlet. Seriously? I stood at the front of the school, watching the endless loops. The inifinity symbol could be likened to the Ouroboros, or whatever snake it was that ate its own tail. I shook my head once, before taking my eyes off of the insignia and stepping through the doors of Apthiton Kleos.


It was the first day of the semester, and I was in my last year. What's not to like? I'd been coming here ever since I was a first year. It isn't like I have a reputation or anything, but I'm somewhat known. At least, among students of my own year. All my friends graduated last year, so I'm pretty much alone in the friend department. I wandered around the halls aimlessly for nearly twenty minutes, simply waiting for class to start.


Eventually, a girl looked at me. Something about me musta intrigued her, because she smiled right away. "Hey, are you lost?"


"Nah, I'm just waiting for class to start. I need SOMETHING to do while I wait." I tried to be polite, but the urge to say "I'm a Senior, I don't get lost in my own school" was nearly killing me. She looked sweet and innocent -- most likely a second year.


"Oh, I get it. Well, mind if I walk with you?" She smiled. Oh, jeez. Don't tell me...


"Sure. What's your name?" I tried making conversation. If my hunch is right, this could possibly be a big annoyance in the future.


"My name's April. What's yours? And what grade are you in? You look like a first-year." Yup. I could just tell by the way she smiled and by that look in her eyes. I really don't want some young'un crushing on me this year...


"My name's... weird. I shorten it to Solez. And I'm a Senior. I'm in my last year." She looked genuinely shocked at this. Her cheeks flushed, and she looked embarrassed. My problem might solve itself, here.


"Oh, I'm so sorry!" She turned, looking around nervously. "Oh, here's my class. I gotta go!" She rushed into the classroom, obviously trying to get outta my sight fast.


What a weird girl. The bell rang, though, and it was time for me to get to first period. Ugh, math. May as well get my most hated subject done with in the morning. Then it's off to Historical Lit., regular Literature, Biology, then a break. History and P.E. after, then Orchestra and Choir.


I rather like my schedule for this year. Something interesting had better happen.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster



Perhaps a bit late, seeing as she still needed to confirm how she was going to get back to Coello. Oh, well. She'd be late all the rest of the day, too, judging by the sheer size of the building.


Why didn't they allow me in, in the first place?! Cairea mentally screamed as she took the gargantuan structure in. Sighing apprehensively, she walked towards the entrance.

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Jessica walked towards the school with confidence. It was only last year when she... when THEY took the school by storm. She loved this school and, for all she knew, the school loved her.


On her way she bumped into a girl. (Cairea) "Oh sorry... wow." Whoever this chick was, she was the most gorgeous thing she ever saw. "You know, I have two reservations for his fancy restaurant, but there is only one of me. Well technically that's half true but the thing is I would hate having this reservation go to waste. Would you like to come with me?" Jessica asked coyly, it's always best to make a move early on.

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Zak strutted into the yard with his usual confidence. His six foot height and wild, unkept hair drawing stares. He wore the school uniform with two bands added to each sleeve, loyalty, honour, valour and nobility written on them. His bokken was hanging off his his back and his messenger bag off his shoulder. The usual whispers came from the first years as they noticed his bokken.


He reached over his shoulder and the onlookers gasped. He pulled a novel from the back of his shirt and opened it as he headed to class.


This never gets old Zak thought to himself as he read.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster



"In a hurry now," Cairea muttered, not quite hearing the girl she'd bumped into. "Catch me later."


She continued weaving through the chaotic throngs and narrow corridors of Aphthiton Kleos. Though the signs were clear and the hallways straightforward, there was no sign of the main office — or, indeed, any adults — anywhere.


She decided to take a different approach. Room 117, eh? she noted, glancing at her schedule. Gotcha. Hopefully they'll let me out to check on this... She promptly reversed direction, returning to the 'nexus' reached from the entrance.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

OoC: Bump.

Just to clear this up before people start making mistakes, each class only has one year of student in it. Sophomores will only interact with sophomores, et cetera. If your IQ is above 130 and you're in an advanced class, you could be accelerated (exempli gratia, freshmen in class with sophomores).




Cairea dashed into the room, breathing hard.


"You can't move in there..." she gasped, trying vainly to excuse her lateness. To her surprise, however, the room was only about half full. The desks were aligned in a six-by-five rectangle, with two seats in the middle of the front row were missing to make room for a projector. A few of these desks, mostly concentrated on the right, were already occupied by the other sophomores who would be taking this course. Two boys and a girl made a point of staring; the others mostly ignored her.


A surprisingly young woman, perhaps thirty, acknowledged her arrival. "Ah, you're here. They want you in the main office to finalize transport arrangements."


"I'd figured." Cairea had mostly caught her breath. "Can't find it, though. What room is it?"


"End of hall five," the teacher instructed. Thankful, she nodded and left the room.

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Shinji entered his Latin class, with mostly everyone there, quietly conversing. Shinji wasn't concerned about being late, as his teacher is late as well. He walked down to his desk near the centre of the room. He sat down and got his books out, one of them the hefty Advanced Latin textbook. He began to doodle at the back of his notebook, which already covered with sketches of surreal landscapes. Before he knew it, he entered a landscape in his doodling.


He was among the pipe shaped hills with bright purple grass blowing upwards as it there was wind under it. He lay in the grass, which quickly grew and brought him closer and closer to the bright green sun. The wind felt nice and he wished he could stay in this strange world forever...


Suddenly, he was jarred out of his sleep by his angry teacher, who had just thrown a large piece of chalk at him.


"SHINJI! This isn't nap time! Wake up!" the teacher shouted at him. His classmates only giggled slightly. Shinji pulled his head up and looked around a bit.


"Oh...I'm in class..." Shinji muttered to himself as he began to try to focus on the lesson, "I've got to get more sleep..."

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Ugh. Have you ever had to deal with e? I highly despise that number. It IS a letter, you know. I don't remember the exact value, but it's somewhere between 2 and 3. Pretty sure about that. That cursed number, which shouldn't even be a number! e is the 5th bloody letter int he alphabet! Did the Mistress of Math come over to the Lord of Letters' house and say, "Oh hey, we're short on numbers right now, can we borrow somebody?" If that is the case, that Mistress was lying! Infinity could always be counted on to produce more numbers! I mean, COME ON, IT'S INFINITY! Ugh, I hate numbers. I'm a bloody Literature kid.


So, yeah. Fifteen minutes into this class, and nothing's happened. This is one of the reasons I hate Math: All the people who go into this level of Math are boring, and never do anything interesting. Another reason is because there's about a 10% ratio of women to men. I really prefer women over men, y'know.


...man, I can't wait for this class to end. I wonder where that girl is? She would've been fun to embarass some more.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster



They couldn't have been any faster, could they?


Honestly, that was miserable. I knew my classes, I knew what the course expectations are, I knew I wasn't supposed to stop thinking about school for a bleeding moment. I just needed a map and info on how I'd leave for happy-churchless-Bible-land. Considering that they're supposed to be religious, you'd think they'd at least listen to their own organization, but noooo. They were an organization defined by being fanatical about ancient myths in unrelated ways.


And now I've missed math. The ONLY course where they're actually going to do something on the first day! At least it's just a review of important irrational numbers; that should be cake.


Come to think of it, this is a pretty good chance to explore...

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Insidethemindofuswespeakinstereo was acting strangly. Instead of Jessica's usual straight posoture and perky attitude he was hunched on his desk and looking mopey.


Oh course this isn' strange at all to anybody who knew Insidethemind... let's just call him gemini for now. You see Gemini suffered from split personality disorder. Every so often his mind will swap between the cheerful Jessica and the shy Jess. No one knew why this happened or why the sides could communicate, change at will and have to swap sides at least every hour or so.


Mysterious but convenient for them.


You see Jessica and Jess swap personality for each class for their convenience. The two aren't genius's but since they split the classes they each only have to study half as many topics so they know their subject better than most. At least theoretically.


Either way Jess wasn't paying attention in class which gave me time to explain all of this.


Jess quietly opened his backpack, taking out a picture. On the picture was Dilgear with that bord expression he always had. Jess had a crush on him the minitue he saw him, he seemed so in control o his life... He wished he was that capable. He couldn't even get the picture himself, he had to ask Jessica to take one for him.


Jess didn't know if Dilgear knew about the picture, Jessica just cooked up some story about the yearbook to get it. For all Jess knew Dilgear could be completely unaware of his existence.


Jess sighed, wishing he could have been in that picture too...


ooc: I am not sure about the quality but I don't know a way to improve it.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster



On time this time. Damn the religious kooks... Why couldn't they have let me explore the school before I started?


The biology teacher, unlike the geometry teacher, was normal, and had decided to spend the day going over course expectations. She was, thankfully, older and less attractive than her last class's leader; there was much less chance of someone getting ejected for ogling her.


Oddly, there was a list of grades and classes on the board — 9TH GRADE EARTH SCIENCES, 10TH GRADE BIOCHEMISTRY, 11TH GRADE PHYSICS, 12TH GRADE INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Underneath that was written the teacher's name, MRS. SCHOLZ. Cairea guessed that the science departments were all interconnected.


She suddenly noticed the name of her own course as she seated herself and chuckled. Finally, someone had realized that high school "biology" was really biochemistry. Already a huge improvement over Coello.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

OoC: Bump







Aphthiton Kleos was already good. Now it would be truly great.


There was one course of the day that Caireamoinscourenai truly looked forward to. It was, in essence, a world where the greatest geniuses in history would give immensely eloquent arguments to a group of civilized, diligent, and eager philosophers, who would logically debate each and every one of these arguments so heavily that the 'truth' would be 'narrowed down' to a potent and worthwhile philosophical theorem.


It was, in name, Literature.


The teacher — the youngest yet, and male this time, though Cairea wasn't attracted — had written a single word on a large whiteboard in massive black letters:




She smiled for the first time in a fortnight. She and Mr. Eilos would get along just fine.

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Oh, the language of books. Many authors in the past have used their rather voracious appetite for the furtherment of mankind's imaginative processes to give birth to a multitude of amazing and world-changing books that have been devoured by the minds of knowledge starved humans the world over.


Basically, authors write books to enlighten others who seek it.


How I love Literature and all of her children -- History, Philosophy, Debate, Psychology, Romance, and all of that good stuff. It is what I live for! Quite better than that bloody Math class, anyway.


As soon as I walked into Professor Eilos' class, I noticed the huge words at the front of the room.




What an interesting concept. Logic. How does one define logic? I watched the Professor watch us students file into the classroom.


Oh, I can't bloody well wait for this class to start.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster



The class was surprisingly large; twenty-nine students had entered by the time Mr. Eilos decided class would start. Finally, he stepped up to the front of the room, glanced over his attendance list for a little while, checked off a few names, and slammed it shut. After replacing the book on the table, he spoke.


"Literature is an incredible course," he began. "The purpose of this course is intelligent philosophical debate. We are to use logical debate to divine the meaning of the great books the geniuses of eons past have left us. In order to do that, however, we'll need to know some standards. First, we'll need to know logic — and, more importantly, the logical fallacies you'll be expected to know here, for the final exam and to avoid making fallacious arguments. Secondly, we'll need to know each other before we begin, so we can understand how different perspectives on the world will result in different outcomes.


"Today, and for the rest of this week, we'll deal with logic... as, I hope, should be obvious." He gestured to the whiteboard. "After that, we'll start learning each others' circumstances — once we're used to each others' arguments, of course.


"So," he concluded. "Would anyone like to throw a definition of logic out there?"

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster



The silence in the class deeply distressed Miss Cynebaraducanarth. She glanced around one last time, ensuring that no one else was going to go first, and then, sighing, raised her hand.


"Miss..." Naturally, the teacher stumbled over her name.


"Cairea," she replied. "No more, no less, please."


"Thank you." Mr. Eilos turned to address the class. "There are quite a few difficult names in here," he apologized, "so if your name is a tricky one, please bear with me. Now, then, you had an idea?"


She rattled off her own personal definition, hoping someone might be able to refine it. "A series of rules used in deductive reasoning detailing how to use premises to arrive at certain conclusions."


Mr. Eilos blinked. "I think I'm going to like this class," he said happily, writing Cairea's sesquipedalian definition neatly on the whiteboard at an impossibly fast pace. "So, anyone care to take a crack at deductive reasoning?"


He stumbled over a few more names, to Cairea's surprise. Eventually, though, the torrent of definitions was finished, and Cairea was left, resigned, to the rest of the day.


{End: 09:25}

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