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Alphabetical Order {Current Episode: Aduentus Marugonis} [mftv][accepting knights and non-knights]

Supreme Gamesmaster

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

---The Alphabetical Order---

Twenty-six adolescent knights lead ordinary lives. Under various alii, they lie in wait, preparing for the moment when they might gain their powers and save the world from horrible, untold menaces.


There is no way to tell a knight of the Alphabetical Order from an ordinary citizen. Not even the knights themselves can distinguish the difference.


---The Tally---

Marugo Count 1-011505-051: Two (C-Knight Cairea; X-Knight Xydryce)


---The Setting---

Aphthiton Kleos High School and Coello Middle School are both frequented by the de facto leader of the Alphabetical Order, Cairea Cynebaraducanarth. They seem to be heavily populated with Knights, possibly due to its ridiculous number of exchange students.


The schools are radically different institutions. Coello is an Fundamentalist institution which completely rejects all doctrines conflicting with Scripture. However, Aphthiton Kleos looks at the Bible as "a fairly good, if not excellent, classic collection of ancient Hebrew myths," and tends to teach purely secular ideals.


Recently, a Christian fish symbol set in Coello's ensign has begun to glow an eerie scarlet, as has an infinity symbol in Aphthiton Kleos's. Cairea interprets this to mean that more Knights will soon be arriving at both locations and making their powers apparent. It would seem she's right on the first count, though as for the second...


---RP Style---

Simply go about your daily life, attending various classes and interacting with others. Remember that until an NPC tells you, you have no idea the Knights exist. The Marugo-zsche will only land once the characters are well-ingrained enough, and probably not until in-story October.

Some general social directive will be given in the episode titles. The [mftv] tag means "made for television;" it means that every once in a while, new instructions will be given for the RPers to follow, and everything before that will be consolidated as the chapter of a single story version of the Alphabetical Order.

Generally, the knights have no significant powers at all (with the notable exception of Xydryce, the order's morbid and mysteriously absent X-Knight), so the status quo at Aphthiton Kleos won't change because of knighthood. On the other hand, the goings-on won't always be normal.

Even once the QUEST begins, the story should revolve around character interaction. Get out there and interact like heck. Obey the shippers. Create vivid characters with intriguing psyches. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try and make the battles interesting. Use your powers creatively.



You can apply with one knight ONLY. You can also apply with up to two non-Order members in the same family; however, using all three character slots is not recommended.


[spoiler=On Scheduling]

Attendees of Aphthiton Kleos will fit their classes into the following timeframes:











Attendees of Coello will fit their classes into the following timeframes:











Try and share at least one class with another Knight.


Cairea has a unique schedule; don't use hers as a template.





[b]Name:[/b] {{Make this ridiculous. Also, whatever letter your first name starts with can't be the same as another Knight's; it dictates your letter.}}
[b]Nickname:[/b] {{You can't very well go around being called by that ridiculous name. Abbreviate it to something respectable.}}
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] {{The character should be between 10 and 18 by December 1, 2006.}}
[b]School:[/b] {{Coello or Aphthiton Kleos. ONE OR THE OTHER.}}
[b]Gender:[/b] {{Male, Female, Transvestite.}}
[b]IQ:[/b] {{Be reasonable. Definitely nothing above 160 or below 100.}}
[b]Corresponding Word:[/b] {{Pick a Latin word starting with the same letter as your name, unless your name starts with J or W, in which case you should just put down your letter. J and W are special cases.}}
[b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] {{It could be anything, but gunslingers should keep in mind more fantastic weapons are upgraded into lightsabers by Knights.}}
[b]Favorite Gemstone:[/b] {{Name it.}}
[b]Favorite Meal:[/b] {{Name it.}}
[b]Schedule:[/b] {{List your classes. Middle schoolers have 10; high schoolers have 9. High schoolers have a free period; middle schoolers have a lunch and study hall.}}
{{Then PM me a sample from another RP you've done and you're good to go.}}




[b]Name:[/b] {{A normal name, please. The last name should also be somewhat normal, unless the character is a Knight's sibling.}}
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] {{The character should be between 10 and 18 by December 1, 2006.}}
[b]School:[/b] {{Coello or Aphthiton Kleos.}}
[b]Gender:[/b] {{Male, Female, Transvestite.}}
[b]IQ:[/b] {{Be reasonable. Definitely nothing above 150 or below 75.}}
[b]Favorite Gemstone:[/b] {{Name it.}}
[b]Favorite Meal:[/b] {{Name it.}}
[b]Schedule:[/b] {{List your classes, in order. You have nine classes. High schoolers have a free period; middle schoolers have a lunch period. Stick A on the end if you want an advanced class.}}
{{Then PM me a sample from another RP you've done and you're good to go.}}



Naturally, the standards are much higher for knights than for non-Knights.



[spoiler=The Alphabetical Order]

[spoiler=C - Supreme Gamesmaster Yddisac's Caireamoinscourenai Cynebaraducanarth]

Name: Caireamoinscourenai Cynebaraducanarth

Nickname: Cairea

Date of Birth: October 29, 1993

School: Both (see schedule)

Gender: Female

IQ: 136

Corresponding Word: Capere

Weapon of Choice: Short glaive

Favorite Gemstone: Pyrope

Favorite Meal: Bûche de Noël with melonpan (yes, that is edible)


1 } (07:15-07:55) Geometry A (Aphthiton Kleos)

2 } (08:00-08:40) Biology A (Aphthiton Kleos)

3 } (08:45-09:25) Literature A (Aphthiton Kleos; all years)

4 } (09:30-10:10) Latin A (Aphthiton Kleos)

5 } (10:15-10:55) Free Period (Aphthiton Kleos / In Transit)

6 } (11:00-11:45) Art (Coello)

7 } (11:50-12:35) History (Coello)

8 } (12:40-13:25) Religious Studies (Coello)

9 } (13:30-14:15) Technology (Coello)

10 } (14:20-15:05) Orchestra (Coello)

11 } (15:10-15:55) Physical Education (Coello)



[spoiler=I - Nexev's Insidethemindofuswespeakinstereo]

Name: Insidethemindofuswespeakinstereo Indelioun

Nickname: Jess and Jessica (the person suffers from Disslocative identity disorder)

Date of Birth: 10/14/1990

School: Aphthiton Kleos

Gender: Transvestite

IQ: 125

Corresponding Word: insania (yes this is latin, i used a translator)

Weapon of Choice: hooks and ropes.

Favorite Gemstone: Wish I knew the name, it's the one tht in natural light it is a different color than in artificial light.

Favorite Meal: Pepsi and tacos


07:15-07:55 Math A (jess dominate)

08:00-08:40 Science B (Jessica dominate)

08:45-09:25 Literature A (Jess)

09:30-10:10 Latin C (Jessica)

10:15-10:55 Philosophy A (Jess)

11:00-11:40 Free Period (Jessica)

11:45-12:25 World History B (Jess)

12:30-13:10 Engineering A (Jessica)

13:15-13:55 PE B (Jess)



[spoiler=S - shadowferret's Soleziaztojukeno Siniyugatara]

Name: Soleziatzojukeno Siniyugatara

Nickname: Solez

Date of Birth: November 16th, 1989

School: Aphthiton Kleos

Gender: Male

IQ: 124

Corresponding Word: Semiparabolis

Weapon of Choice: Bow And Arrow/Crossbow

Favorite Gemstone: Peridot

Favorite Meal: Anything with Milk.


08:30-09:15 Pre-Calculus A

09:20-10:05 Historical Literature A

10:10-11:55 Composition A

11:00-11:45 Biology B

11:50-12:35 Free Period

12:40-13:25 Religious Studies

13:30-14:15 Physical Education

14:20-15:05 Orchestra

15:10-15:55 Choir



[spoiler=X - Supreme Gamesmaster Yddisac's Xydryce]

Name: Xydryce

Nickname: Xydryce

Date of Birth: April 24, 1989

School: Neither

Gender: Male

IQ: 150

Corresponding Word: Xiphus

Weapon of Choice: Labrys

Favorite Gemstone: Lapis lazuli

Favorite Meal: Arracacha

Schedule: N/A



[spoiler=Z - zaneko's Zakerilentus Zanellonet]

Name: Zakerilentus Zanellonet

Nickname: Zak

Date of Birth: January 1, 1990

School: Aphthiton Kleos

Gender: Male

IQ: 121

Corresponding Word: Zephyrus (west wind)

Weapon of Choice: katana (but carries it hidden in a bokken)

Favorite Gemstone: emerald

Favorite Meal: rice with egg, fried chicken, stewed turkey and grilled beef


07:15-07:55 > Pre-Calc B

08:00-08:40 > Physics C

08:45-09:25 > Literature A (All Grades)

09:30-10:10 > Latin A

10:15-10:55 > Home Economics A

11:00-11:40 > Free

11:45-12:25 > World History and Geography C

12:30-13:10 > Information Technology A

13:15-13:55 > Physical Education





[spoiler=Other People]

[spoiler=PaperLion's Joseph Allen]

Name: Joseph Allen.

Date of Birth: June 25th, 1990.

School: Aphthiton Kleos High School.

Gender: Male.

IQ: 126.

Favorite Gemstone: Amethyst.

Favorite Meal: 2 Vegetarian Cheese and Tomato Pizzas.


07:15-07:55: Algebra B.

08:00-08:40: Chemistry B.

08:45-09:25: Free.

09:30-10:10: Textiles C.

10:15-10:55: Information Technology B.

11:00-11:40: Art A.

11:45-12:25: World History and Geography C.

12:30-13:10: Literature A.

13:15-13:55: Physical Education C.



[spoiler=Otaku-sama's Shinji Saitou]

Name: Shinji Saitou

Date of Birth: March 6th, 1990

School: Aphthiton Kleos

Gender: Male

IQ: 119

Favorite Gemstone: Quartz

Favorite Meal: Tempura...things...


07:15-07:55 - Latin A

08:00-08:40 - Physics B

08:45-09:25 - Mathematics B

09:30-10:10 - World Religions A

10:15-10:55 - Free Period

11:00-11:40 - Philsophy A

11:45-12:25 - World History B

12:30-13:10 - Physical Education C

13:15-13:55 - Art C





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  • Replies 58
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Name: Zakerilentus Zanellonet

Nickname: Zak

Date of Birth: January 1, 1990

School: Aphthiton Kleos

Gender: Male

IQ: 121

Corresponding Word: Zephyr (west wind)

Weapon of Choice: katana (but carries it hidden in a bokken)

Favorite Gemstone: emerald

Favorite Meal: rice with egg, fried chicken, stewed turkey and grilled beef


1 } (07:15-07:55) pre Calculus B

2 } (08:00-08:40) Physics C

3 } (08:45-09:25) Literature A

4 } (09:30-10:10) Latin A

5 } (10:15-10:55) Home Economics A*

6 } (11:00-11:45) Free Period

7 } (11:50-12:35) Chemistry B

8 } (12:40-13:25) World History C

9 } (13:30-14:15) Information Technology A

10 } (14:20-15:05) Geography B

11 } (15:10-15:55) Physical Education**


(*men need to cook to. ;))

(**just hangs out in thr coello class)

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

You don't have a lunch period, so change your schedule. Oh, and you'll be in pre-Calc and physics rather than geometry and bio, judging by your age. Otherwise, accepted.

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Name: Dilgearious Dragunsturm

Nickname: Dilgear

Date of Birth: November 11, 1992

School: Aphthiton Kleos

Gender: Transvestite Male

IQ: 150

Corresponding Word: Despero

Weapon of Choice: Revolver(s)

Favorite Gemstone: Chromo Diopside

Favorite Meal: Königsberger Klopse


07:15-07:55 / Latin A

08:00-08:40 / Science B

08:45-09:25 / Literature A

09:30-10:10 / Math C

10:15-10:55 / Free Period

11:00-11:40 / World History A

11:45-12:25 / Technology B

12:30-13:10 / Geography A

13:15-13:55 / Art C


Does that work? xD


Also, let me dig up an RP sample to PM~

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Well, you really would have geometry and biology; it varies based on year. ^_^;;

Screw it; those are "Science" and "Math" respectively now. Replace Chem and/or Physics and you'll be fine.

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Name: Soleziatzojukeno Siniyugatara

Nickname: Solez

Date of Birth: November 16th, 1989

School: Apthiton Kleos

Gender: Male

IQ: 124

Corresponding Word: Semiparabolis

Weapon of Choice: Bow And Arrow/Crossbow

Favorite Gemstone: Peridot

Favorite Meal: Anything with Milk.


07:15-07:55 Pre-Calculus A

08:00-08:40 Historical Literature A

08:45-09:25 Literature A

09:30-10:10 Biology B

10:15-10:55 Free Period

11:00-11:40 World History A

11:45-12:25 Physical Education

12:30-13:10 Orchestra

13:15-13:55 Choir


This work?

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Name: Incaseofemergencyinvolvingningas Falsetto

Nickname: Ingsoc

Date of Birth: October 14 1990

School: Aphthiton Kleos

Gender: Male

IQ: 155

Corresponding Word: ignoratio

Weapon of Choice: Salvia something It's a powerful hallucogen

Favorite Gemstone: ruby

Favorite Meal: cup ramen and coke


07:15-07:55 Math A

08:00-08:40 Science B

08:45-09:25 Literature A

09:30-10:10 Latin C

10:15-10:55 Philosophy A

11:00-11:40 Free Period

11:45-12:25 World History B

12:30-13:10 Medicine A-

13:15-13:55 PE B

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Here is my app. I'll fill one civilian spot.


Name: Shinji Saitou

Date of Birth: March 6th, 1990

School: Aphthiton Kleos

Gender: Male

IQ: 119

Favorite Gemstone: Quartz

Favorite Meal: Tempura...things...


07:15-07:55 - Latin A

08:00-08:40 - Physics B

08:45-09:25 - Mathematics B

09:30-10:10 - World Religions A

10:15-10:55 - Free Period

11:00-11:40 - Philsophy A

11:45-12:25 - World History B

12:30-13:10 - Physical Education C

13:15-13:55 - Art C

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Sorry I decided to make a different character.


Name: Insidethemindofuswespeakinstereo Indelioun

Nickname: Jess and Jessica (the person suffers from Disslocative identity disorder)

Date of Birth: 10/14/1990

School: Aphthiton Kleos

Gender: Transvestite

IQ: 125

Corresponding Word: insania (yes this is latin, i used a translator)

Weapon of Choice: hooks and ropes.

Favorite Gemstone: Wish I knew the name, it's the one tht in natural light it is a different color than in artificial light.

Favorite Meal: Pepsi and tacos


07:15-07:55 Math A (jess dominate)

08:00-08:40 Science B (Jessica dominate)

08:45-09:25 Literature A (Jess)

09:30-10:10 Latin C (Jessica)

10:15-10:55 Philosophy A (Jess)

11:00-11:40 Free Period (Jessica)

11:45-12:25 World History B (Jess)

12:30-13:10 Engineering A (Jessica)

13:15-13:55 PE B (Jess)

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Oh, my. Changing personalities every forty-five minutes? That could be bothersome.

Accepted. I'll see if I can find the gemstone you're after.


Incidentally, the hallucinogen you were after is Salvia divinorum.

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I know the gemstone is one of those gemstones your connected with if your born in a certain month if that helps.


The two personalities are both aware of each other and capable or interacting with each other in thier thoughts so it's less troublesome then you would imagine.


They actually attempt to switch earlier than they usually do because otherwise they would switch each hour and 13 minutes and 17 seconds and they would be even more confused with mid class personality swaps.


Interestingly they are both gay, so not one, but two people get to have a lovely young transvestite stalker.


Any takers?

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster



Others have confirmed they'll join... eventually... so we'll wait for one more non-Knight.


Keep in mind that NPCs should be detailed, interesting characters as well.

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I'll fill the last slot. I want this RP started ASAP.


Name: Yoshitoki Saitou

Date of Birth: March 6th, 1992

School: Coello

Gender: Male

IQ: 108

Favorite Gemstone: Ruby

Favorite Meal: Taiyaki


08:30-09:15 - Mathematics B

09:20-10:05 - Historical Literature A

10:10-11:55 - Civics A

11:00-11:45 - Languages B

11:50-12:35 - Free Period

12:40-13:25 - Religious Studies

13:30-14:15 - World Politics B

14:20-15:05 - Business B

15:10-15:55 - Physical Education C


EDIT: Changed Law to Civics.

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