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Go Go Charizard! [Emote]


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yoyoyo i am new


Don't spam noob.



Well. Eh... I like pokemon but' date=' this is way to simple to take an hour... I could draw those wings in 5 mins and recolor the sprite in around 5 secs...


I say maybe a 6 minute job, not 1 hour. It's wayy to simple.



Well not really, I had to think of how to make the wings and stuff, and the wings had a hell lot of shading. And it didn't really take one hour, more like 20 minutes.

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yoyoyo i am new


Don't spam noob.



Well. Eh... I like pokemon but' date=' this is way to simple to take an hour... I could draw those wings in 5 mins and recolor the sprite in around 5 secs...


I say maybe a 6 minute job, not 1 hour. It's wayy to simple.



Well not really, I had to think of how to make the wings and stuff, and the wings had a hell lot of shading. And it didn't really take one hour, more like 20 minutes.


Then why'd you say it took you an hour?

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yoyoyo i am new


Don't spam noob.



Well. Eh... I like pokemon but' date=' this is way to simple to take an hour... I could draw those wings in 5 mins and recolor the sprite in around 5 secs...


I say maybe a 6 minute job, not 1 hour. It's wayy to simple.



Well not really, I had to think of how to make the wings and stuff, and the wings had a hell lot of shading. And it didn't really take one hour, more like 20 minutes.


Then why'd you say it took you an hour?


Dang- You beat me to it >.>


Listen hear, okay. That shading is just two colors, and 3 for the wing. That IS NOT complex or difficult in any way. What makes it easier, is that all you did was destroy the pallet from charizard. The wings don't even have an outline that stands out ;/

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Then you have wasted an hour of your life.

The wing is kinda mehish. Looks like a basic emote with wings drawn. Blurry.


Don't use any pointless post.



Anyway, it's not blurry, but it doesn't seem to resemble charizard that much. Not a bad try, though ^+^

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