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Pokemon Onyx Version [Kind of Advanced/ Accepting]


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ok, well lets get started then. "This will be a three on three match. the challenger can switch out his Pokemon whenever he likes. let the match start!" the announcer stated. "so, who are you. i like to know my opponents names before i stomp them into the ground." Roxanne then says, being a little over cocky. "ok, now, go graveler!" she says

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-ryeden happy he got his first badge goes out to train when....- "OMG! Is that, HO-Oh! I have to catch this magnificent beast! Go Charmelon!" -Ho-Oh sees charmy and comes down to greet it then i say........- 'Ho-Oh i want to capture you so if you want me to try to capture you stay here if not go and i will leave you alone." -Ho-Oh stays- "let's go then, Seadra, Lucario come out!" "Let's go!" "Now lucario use mach punch, Seadra use hydro pump, and charmelon use slash!" -Ho-Oh gets hit with all 3 attacks then gets up hurt, then it uses sacred fire and knocks out lucario since it's super effective- "seadra use iron tail, charmelon use ice punch!" -Ho'oh almost faints then i throw a pokeball at it and almost catches it- "one last attack, charmelon use blast burn!" -Ho-oh gets hit and faints, then i throw a pokeball and catches it- "Yes i got a Ho-oh!" "now take a long rest!"

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