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GAK's and Klemenkin's Card of the week! Article #3 finally posted!!!

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GAK’s and Klemenkin’s Card of the week #3

System Down:







1) Setting up the field.


As System Down is a Spell card it is rather easy to get it to your hand. It can be sent to your hand by the effect of Magician of Faith or by drawing cards aka. Rare Value, Magical Merchant etc.



2) Using the cards to the fullest.


This card can really screw the machines and Jinzo, so it is better to side deck it. Try also using DNA Surgery. This will make all monsters on your opponent’s side of the field machines. Then BAM! Here goes system down. It will clear all of your opponent’s field and graveyard machine monsters. Since most people use Cyber Dragon and Jinzo, this card has a great potential to counter those decks. If you are lucky enough to play with a Chimeratech OTK or a Gadget Deck then you got the game! Another OK combo is to use it with Creature Swap. You give your opponent a machine monster like Cyber Dragon and you get his. System Down and you go for the direct attack.



3) Rulings



The card rulings for this card:

• "System Down" does not remove face-down Machines.

• "Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer" will prevent Machines in the Graveyard from being removed from play for "System Down", but Machines on the field can still be removed from play by its effect.

• If your opponent has no Machines in the Graveyard and no Machines on the field, you cannot activate "System Down".

• If "Heavy Mech Support Platform" is equipped to a Machine when "System Down" is activated, the equipped monster is removed from play but "Heavy Mech Support Platform" is just destroyed and sent to the Graveyard.




4) Deck Construction

This is a short list of cards you should include in your deck.


There are not cards to play in your main deck with System Down so here are some cards to include in the side deck:



2-3 System Down

1-2 DNA Surgery

1-2 Magical Merchant

1 Creature Swap

3 Cyber Dragon


Throw in the some staples and whatever else you can think of.

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