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YCM Restaurant


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Welcome to the YCM Restaurant!

This is a 5-Star Restaurant with a great menu and classical music in the background.

The chairs are very fluffy and the tables are made of solid gold.




You must sit down and order something from the Menu. The Menu will change every 2 days or so.

No flaming, no spamming and have fun!

You may be thrown out of the Restaurant of your behaviour is hooligan-ish.


Members not allowed:




The Current Menu:


Marsmallon sprinkled with Jelly Bean Man

Terrorking Salmon

Hungry Burger w/ Mystic Tomato

Roasted Penguin Soldier w/ Lava Golem Sauce

Hot Dog w/ French Fries

BBQed Sonic Duck w/ Baked Bean Soldiers Sauce


Our Speciality Today:


Roasted Seven Coloured Fish w/ Mooyan Curry and Pineapple Blast for Dessert.


Potion of the Old Man


The Finest Wine



People may PM with suggestions for the Menu. I am also hiring people.

You can serve people and keep the Restaurant clean.


Current Waiters/Waitresses:



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*Sits Down*


Yo, Bistro Butcher(Mind that i call you that?), Can you Serve me up a Hungry Burger with the Mystic Tomato on the Side, I'll also have Some BBQed Sonic Duck for My Friends, And some Baked Bean Soldiers, Then I'll have 2 Stim-packs and a Potion of the Old man, and Finally 3 Marshmallons with Jerry Beans Man Sprinkled on top


(> For some good Ideas for Menu items, there is a Food theme Deck Located here: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Billy_Deck <)

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