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Life as a Monster(Advanced)

Christian Exodia

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You have been left for dead by certain people(Who later were killed), but a (Insert monster here) spared you by making you become one of them in the Full Moon-lit night. You can't control yourself, but you later gain control at the voice of a Widow's song. You find yourself trashed at the edge of the street, shunned by city life. A adventure through life awaits.


Hero or Main character Application(Mine as an example):

Name: Kyle Mc'Kady

Age: 159 (My character is the savior of vampires; the first to reply to Werewolves gets the savior for them)

Story of how it happened(Be detailed; only a paragraph or more will do):

Kyle was running home, trying to escape the times of the night. A man ran in front, shotgun cocked. His uniform was Confederate, but he's on Union turf. He shot Kyle as he reached for his knife. He fell, but a thankful vampire saved the poor, dying soul. Kyle then ran home.

Birthplace: Boston, Mass.

Deathplace: Albany, New York

Birthdate: October 9th, 1850

Deathdate(Vampires only): October 9th, 1861(Yes, a Eleven year-old is weird. But, he learned with age)

Vampire, Werewolf, Shapeshifter, e.t.c: Vampire


Villian Application:



Story of how it happened:

Total Kills:

Vampire, Werewolf, Shapeshifter, e.t.c:

Why does he kill:


Deathdate(Vampires only):

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Name: Dan Jones

Age: 147

Story of how it happened:

He was visiting family in boston. After witnessing a robbery, he was shot in the leg by the panicked robbers. After worrying what to do, the robbers toke him as a hostage. After tring to escape, he was shot a second time, this time in the stomach. Kyle, who was in the area, saved him but Dan crawled away. It was three days before Dan realized what happened to him. His first action as a vampire was to kill the robbers in blind rage. When he realized what he did, he swore off human blood and only drinks animal blood.

Vampire, Werewolf, Shapeshifter, e.t.c: Vampire

Birthplace: Toronto, Canada

Deathplace:Boston, Mass.

Birthdate: January 13, 1862

Deathdate(Vampires only): January 14, 1876 (14)

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Name: Gemin

Age: 100+?

How it Happened: On a Stormy night, Gemin was lying on the ground. Sleeping. In a bed. However, he is a light sleeper, and the thunderclap rang out and sent Gemin flying from his bed.

He needed a walk.

On this walk, he turned into an alley behind his house. Little did he know that there was a serial killer back there. Assaulted and left for dead, he was restored back to health by a mysterious man who continuously changed faces...

Vampire, Werewolf, Shapeshifter, e.t.c: Doppleganger (shapeshifter)

Birthplace: Columbus OH

Deathplace: Columbus OH

Birthdate: 2/29/1900?

Deathdate(Vampires only):n/a

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Name: Duke

Age: 78

Story of how it happened: Duke's family lived in a very introverted village, refusing anyone else from in. One day, the village shunned a bedraggled scientist type, he seemed to have been attacked. In the dead of night, Duke took some supplies out to the man, who was in turn grateful. However, the village snitch caught him and sold Duke out. He was hung, drawn and quartered (as is the old tradition) and his parts tossed outside the village. The scientist found him and began to ply his art. This man was Dr. Viktor Stein. Duke awoke in an odd laboratory some weeks later. Dr. Stein told him of what happened. He told Duke that despite being granted an almost eternal life, he would rot slowly, requiring him to get fresh parts. Duke's first target, was his own village. He destroyed it utterly due to some enhancements made to him by Stein. Duke abandoned his family name after he did his dreadful deed. He killed usually to replace his rotting parts, however, he kept some very choice parts for a more sinister plot.

Total Kills: 156

Vampire, Werewolf, Shapeshifter, e.t.c: Chimera (Frankenstein's Monster)

Why does he kill: To find new body parts to replace the rotting ones. To create a friend.

Birthdate: 4/12/1920

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